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Lumbar pain (LP) is the most common form of musculoskeletal pain syndromes, the development of which is associated with significant financial costs. Treatment of LP patients is usually long-term, which increases the risk of undesirable side effects. The pharmacological effects of Flurbiprofen for treating patients with PB are considered.

About the authors

Pavel R Kamchatnov

N. I. Pirogov Russian national research medical University

119169, Moscow, Ostrovityanov str., 1

Alexander V Chugunov

N. I. Pirogov Russian national research medical University

119169, Moscow, Ostrovityanov str., 1

Alexey Yu Kazakov

N. I. Pirogov Russian national research medical University

119169, Moscow, Ostrovityanov str., 1


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Copyright (c) 2019 Kamchatnov P.R., Chugunov A.V., Kazakov A.Y.

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