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The data on the effect of sexual characteristics on the course of the disease and therapy for schizophrenia are presented. The “estrogen protection hypothesis” is being discussed, including the role of estrogens in men vulnerable to schizophrenia. The neuroprotective properties of estrogen are described. Neuroactive steroids testosterone and its predecessors are considered in terms of gender differences at different stages of the course of schizophrenia. Gender-related side effects of antipsychotic therapy, including depending on its type, are highlighted.

About the authors

Natalia N Petrova

Saint Petersburg State University

Department of Psychiatry and Addictions University Embankment, 7/9, St. Petersburg, 199034

Anastasia I Vasilyeva

1) Psychiatric Hospital of Kaliningrad region №1; 2) Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

2) Therapy Department 1) Alexander Nevsky street, 78A, Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad region, 236008; 2) 236016, Kaliningrad, Alexander Nevsky street, 14


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