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The study included 54 patients with cranio-cervical dystonia, 38 (70.4%) of whom were women, 16 (29.6%) - men, mean age 49,8 ± 11,3 years. 32 patients were diagnosed with cervical dystonia, groups with blepharospasm and Meige’s syndrome included 11 patients respectively. All patients were screened by «Unified Dystonia Rating Scale» and those who had cervical dystonia also by «Toronto western spasmodic torticollis rating scale (TWSTRS)». Psychoemotional state in these patients was examined by Beck depression inventory (BDI) and Hamilton’s anxiety rating scale (HAM-A). Depression and anxiety occurrence and severity was evaluated, impact of different factors including Botulinum toxin treatment was observed. Results of the study confirmed that anxiety and depressive disorders are associated with craniocervical dystonia. Sex, localization of dystonia, disease duration, and satisfaction with the treatment do not affect significantly severity of anxiety and depression. Regular injections of Botulinum toxin significantly decrease severity of psychoemotional disorders in these patients.

About the authors

Zifa G Khaiatova

Kazan State Medical University

кафедра неврологии и реабилитации 420012, Kazan, Butlerov St., 49

Zuleikha A Zalyalova

1) Kazan State Medical University; 2)Republican clinical diagnostical center of extrapyramidal disorders and botulinotherapy

1) кафедра неврологии и реабилитации 1)420012, Kazan, Butlerov St., 49; 2) 420039, Kazan, Isaeva St., 5


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