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The article presents a biosocial model of competence on the example of Parkinson’s disease. The interrelation between the level of compliance and the social functioning of patients with Parkinson’s disease is found. An analysis of the relationship showed that a higher level of patient’s compliance with Parkinson’s disease corresponds to a higher level of their social activity, in particular - a higher level of emotional comfort is most likely to be diagnosed in people with a high level of compliance. Biopsychosocial approach in the field of mental health presupposes accounting and analysis of the interaction of physical (painful), mental (behavioral) and social (interaction with the social environment, the doctor) factors.

About the authors

Veronica A Bogacheva

V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str., 3

Julia V Kotsubinskaya

V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str., 3

Vladimir A Mikhailov

V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str., 3

Tatyana S Alexeeva

V. M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Centre of psychiatry and neurology

192019, St. Petersburg, Bekhterev str., 3


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Copyright (c) 2019 Bogacheva V.A., Kotsubinskaya J.V., Mikhailov V.A., Alexeeva T.S.

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