
Traditional family values as an object of state protection, their significance in shaping the spiritual and moral foundations of russian society
Letova N.
Ya. Stoilov. Principles of law: concept and application / transl. from Bulgarian by E.M. Kuzmina, G. Kanev
Frolova E.
Harmonization of conflict of laws party autonomy and the regulatory competition
Erpyleva N., Get̓man-Pavlova I., Kasatkina A.
Conceptual approaches to determining the legal status of a child in modern conditions
Letova N.
Legal awareness: from the history of the philosophy of law
Frolova E.
Criminal and military-criminal legislation in the creative heritage of P.S. Romashkin
Chuchaev A.
General principles of law in the regulation of space activities
Shinkaretskaya G.
Academician V.V. Laptev on the main component of Economic (Entrepreneurial) Law
Kleandrov M.
Identification criteria for erga omnes obligations
Vereina L., Sinyakin I., Skuratova A.
A fundamental scientific work was published, which proved Fermat’s legal theorem Military Law: in 3 vols / under the general editorship of A.N. Savenkov, A.V. Kudashkin
Pligin V.
The specifics of states and the harmonization of international human rights norms
Kartashkin V.
Theoretical and methodological problems and Military Law (to the publication of the monograph “Military Law”)
Tushkov A.
On the manifestation in judicial practice of the universal (pan-European) content of the principles of good faith and the prohibition of abuse of the right
Musarsky S.
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