
Artificial intelligence, robot and neurotechnologies: concepts, relationship and limits of legal regulation
Filipova I.
The prospect of convergence of the legal system of Russia and China as a legal dimension of multipolarity in the XXI century
Nebratenko G.
Legal protection of the environment and rational use of natural resources: implementation of O. S. Kolbasov’s ideas
Ustyukova V.
Forecasting legal behavior as a final level of legal forecasting and practical function of the theory and Sociology of Law
Agamirov K.
Prerequisites for the adoption and essence of the main provisions of the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Belarus
Chupris O.
Legal anomie: essence and rations to the similar categories
Mal’ko A.
New ideas of Russian constitutionalism. Law as an element of the system of sacred and profane values
Vinogradova E.
Formation and development of branches of law in the historical and modern legal reality of Russia: in 12 vols. Vol. VIII Administrative Law in the system of modern Russian law / ed. by R.L. Khachaturov, A.P. Shergin
Arzamasov Y.
Development of the judicial system as a subject research in post-non-classical science
Bolshakova V.
The Soviet-Polish armed conflict of 1918 - 1921 in the context of the process of formation of the Versailles system. An example of the clash of different principles of the political and legal constitution of states in Recent history
Ermakov D., Popov G., Pavlikov S.
Development of law contrary to the legal acts (contra legem) in the Republic of Armenia
Ghambaryan A.
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