The Soviet-Polish armed conflict of 1918 - 1921 in the context of the process of formation of the Versailles system. An example of the clash of different principles of the political and legal constitution of states in Recent history

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In the article, the authors seek to answer the question of how the Versailles system influenced the development of the Soviet-Polish conflict as a factor that constituted the process of state-building in a number of western regions of the former Russian Empire. The authors conclude that the Versailles system not only did not solve the problem of dividing borders in Eastern Europe, but also intensified the confrontation between Poland and the RSFSR. One of the main problems – the problem of Ukraine’s statehood – has not been solved within the framework of the Versailles system, this was largely the result of France’s tough pro-Polish position. The authors show that within the western territories of the former Russian Empire, there was a clash of different doctrines of state-building in the conditions of Modern times, these doctrines reflected the nationalism of Eastern European peoples, the concept of a Marxist proletarian state and the concept of Western democracy exported from the United States and Great Britain.

About the authors

Dmitrii N. Ermakov

Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University); Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow

Grigorij Germanovich Popov

Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology and Management (First Cossack University); RANEPA

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergei Gerasimovich Pavlikov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Moscow


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