
The rise of law – the mission of S.S. Alekseev (on the 100th anniversary of the outstanding jurist) (The end)
Kazantsev M., Rudenko V.
The rise of law – the mission of S.S. Alekseev (On the 100th anniversary of the outstanding jurist)
Kazantsev M., Rudenko V.
Ya. Stoilov. Principles of law: concept and application / transl. from Bulgarian by E.M. Kuzmina, G. Kanev
Frolova E.
The Lieber Code
Butrim I., Chuchaev A.
Development of Labor Law method in the context of modern state and legal policy
Sagandykov M.
Features of nature as an object of ecological relations
Brinchuk M.
Legal means of protection of creative labor as a traditional Russian spiritual and moral value
Chucha S.
Formation and development of the idea of representation and Russian parliamentarism in the constitutional doctrine
Bezrukov A., Savoskin A.
On the scientific comprehension of the subject of constitutional law: to putting the question
Cherepanov V.
Trends in the criminal law policy of modern Russia in the sphere of lawmaking: Empirical and analytical research
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
Administrative legal proceedings as a procedural form of protection
Mikhailova E.
The specifics of states and the harmonization of international human rights norms
Kartashkin V.
Academician V.V. Laptev on the main component of Economic (Entrepreneurial) Law
Kleandrov M.
Modern understanding of subjeсt of science of administrative law
Grishkovets A.
V.S. Nersesyants as a philosopher of law: from Soviet to Post-Soviet
Savenkov A., Gorban V.
Places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East: legal aspect
Kryazhkov V.
Relations of administrative and legal protection as a kind of administrative and legal relations: concept, content, characteristics
Kobzar-Frolova M.
Review of the materials of the Scientific and Practical Forum with international participation “Actual problems of comparative-historical jurisprudence and theoretical-legal research”
Dorina Z., Trikoz E., Tumanova A.
Prospects for the development of Russia’s criminal law policy: the search for the real model
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
Status of the natural resources of celestial bodies: novelties of the practice of states
Vylegzhanin A., Yuzbashyan M.
Motherhood and childhood as a basis for family policy: modernity and historical heritage
Letova N.
The modern concept of the interaction between International and domestic law / res. ed. A. Ya. Kapustin
Vylegzhanin A., Lobanov S., Kalamkaryan R.
Forecasting legal behavior as a final level of legal forecasting and practical function of the theory and Sociology of Law
Agamirov K.
Preconditions for the right to bring claim: state of the art
Mikhailova E.
M.S. Strogovich: theorist of the Soviet Criminal Procedure
Savenkov A., Rossinskiy S.
Remembering Academician V.N. Kudryavtsev…
Lukasheva E.
Public power. Law and order. Human rights (Review of the International “Round Table” “The Russian state and the challenges of the XXI century”)
Pozharskii D., Krotkova N.
Constitutional Law, Philosophy and statehood of Russia. B.S. Ebzeev. The Philosophy of Russian constitutionalism: essays
Zhukov V.
Prerequisites for the adoption and essence of the main provisions of the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Belarus
Chupris O.
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