
The dialogue of theology and law in russian science and education
Gryanova E.
The use of categories and methods of natural sciences in jurisprudence and political science
Drobyshevskiy S., Protopopova T.
Philosophical and methodological foundations of the constitutionalization of Russian law in the context of post-classical jurisprudence
Alekseev I.
Dialectics in fundamental jurisprudence: ancient approaches and modern trends
Likhter P.
Russian-Chinese round table “Modern legal science and education in Russia and China”
Krotkova N.
The modern concept of the interaction between International and domestic law / res. ed. A. Ya. Kapustin
Vylegzhanin A., Lobanov S., Kalamkaryan R.
Review of the materials of the Scientific and Practical Forum with international participation “Actual problems of comparative-historical jurisprudence and theoretical-legal research”
Dorina Z., Trikoz E., Tumanova A.
Review of the concepts of legal anomie in foreign and domestic socio-legal thought
Lipinsky D., Ivanov A.
Periodization of the history of the magistrate’s court in Russia: a chrono-discrete approach
Demichev A., Ilyukhina V.
V.S. Nersesyants as a philosopher of law: from Soviet to Post-Soviet
Savenkov A., Gorban V.
Prussian codification of 1794 as a monument of law and an object of study
Kizyakovsky V.
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