Review of the concepts of legal anomie in foreign and domestic socio-legal thought

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The article examines the approaches that exist in relation to the understanding of legal anomie in the works of foreign researchers. The history of the emergence of this concept is analyzed, the relationship between legal and social in the process of conducting relevant research is considered. Concludes that there are several approaches to understanding anomie in general and its legal component in particular. The conditions of occurrence of legal anomie are identified and classified. It is noted that some of these conditions are also present in the Russian Federation. Based on the study of the existing criteria for the allocation of types of social and legal anomie, the authors proposed own classification of the types and concepts of legal anomie. The conclusion is formulated about the applicability of foreign concepts of anomie from the perspective of domestic approaches and traditions to legal research.

About the authors

Dmitry A. Lipinsky

Togliatti state University

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Alexander A. Ivanov

Togliatti state University

Russian Federation, Togliatti


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