
The path to recognition (An essay on the life and scientific heritage of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. N. Trainin)
Savenkov A.
International legal foundations of national security
Shinkaretskay G.
Korovin Evgeny Alexandrovich: opening up the horizons of International Law
Savenkov A.
Harmonization of conflict of laws party autonomy and the regulatory competition
Erpyleva N., Get̓man-Pavlova I., Kasatkina A.
Essence and significance of conviction of deceased Nazi’s for crimes not subject to statutory limitations
Kamenetsky Y.
Russia in the new geopolitical realities: the legal vector of civilizational self-determination
Lapaeva V.
At the breaks of history (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Arzhanov – man, scientist, era)
Pligin V., Kobzar-Frolova M.
The prospect of convergence of the legal system of Russia and China as a legal dimension of multipolarity in the XXI century
Nebratenko G.
Fundamental contribution to the study of the problems of the law of international treaties Modern concept of interpretation of international treaties
Vylegzhanin A., Lobanov S., Kalamkaryan R.
The modern concept of the interaction between International and domestic law / res. ed. A. Ya. Kapustin
Vylegzhanin A., Lobanov S., Kalamkaryan R.
The level of the World Ocean and International Law
Shinkaretskaya G.
The Lieber Code
Butrim I., Chuchaev A.
General principles of law in the regulation of space activities
Shinkaretskaya G.
The specifics of states and the harmonization of international human rights norms
Kartashkin V.
Places of traditional residence and traditional economic activity of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East: legal aspect
Kryazhkov V.
Intellectual property statute in Private International Law
Lisitsa V.
The potential of the monograph “Military Law” in the training of the future military lawyer and the development of his personality
Gaidamashko I., Naumov P., Dyachkov A.
Identification criteria for erga omnes obligations
Vereina L., Sinyakin I., Skuratova A.
National codifications of Private International Law: General Law of Uruguay No. 19.920
Erpyleva N., Getman-Pavlova I., Kasatkina A.
Improving the constitutional and legal policy of the Russian Federation in the field of regulating the educational activities of universities in the context of globalization and regionalization
Khizhnyak V.
Status of the natural resources of celestial bodies: novelties of the practice of states
Vylegzhanin A., Yuzbashyan M.
Civilizational approach to human rights: on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Savenkov A., Kolotova N.
Review of the work of A.N. Savenkov “Nuremberg: A Verdict for name of Peace” (Moscow: Prospekt, 2021. – 760 pp.)
Sreto N.
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