Constitutional legal personality of a person in the context of animal ethics

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The article discusses conceptual and normative approaches to determining the status of an animal in modern society and the possibility of its assessment from the point of view of granting independent rights and legitimate interests. Taking into account changes in legislation and judicial practice, it is concluded that the expansion of the understanding of the constitutional legal personality of the individual is moving in Western countries and in Russia in various ways: while in the USA and Europe they have come close to the possibility of extending part of the elements of legal personality to non-human animals, in the Russian Federation the constitutional legal personality of the individual is developing through the establishment of additional duties and restrictions on human rights and freedoms in order to ensure the legitimate interests of animals.

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About the authors

Elena Anatol'evna Kapitonova

Penza State University

Russian Federation, Penza

George Borisovich Romanovsky

Penza State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0546-2557
Russian Federation, Penza


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