Coupled Thermoelasticity of Hemitropic Media. Pseudotensor Formulation

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The present paper deals with the problem of deriving the constitutive equations for the micropolar thermoelastic continuum GN-I in terms of the standard pseudotensor formalism. In most cases, the pseudotensor approach is justified in modeling hemitropic micropolar solids, the thermomechanical properties of which are sensitive to mirror reflections of three-dimensional space. The requisite equations and notions from the theory of pseudotensors are revisited. General thermodynamic approaches are used, entropy and energy balance equations are discussed. The weights of the main thermomechanical pseudotensors are established. In a linear approximation, the constitutive equations of the hemitropic micropolar thermoelastic continuum (GN-I) of the first type are derived. A coupled system of differential equations of heat conduction and dynamic equations of the micropolar thermoelastic continuum GN-I is obtained.

About the authors

E. V. Murashkin

Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS

Moscow, 119526 Russia

Yu. N. Radaev

Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, 119526 Russia


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