编号 6 (2023)




The Evolution of Redfishes of the Genus Sebastes (Perciformes: Sebastidae) of the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans: Budding Speciation in the Species Flock

Rolskii A., Artamonova V., Makhrov A.


The evolutionary history of North Atlantic Sebastes redfishes was reconstructed as a result of studying the mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences of Sebastes redfishes inhabiting the North Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans. It was shown, that speciation of these redfishes occurred in several stages. During the first stage, the ancestor of Norway redfish (S. viviparus) diverged from the common ancestor species in the process of allopatric speciation. Ancestor of Acadian redfish (S. fasciatus) diverged from the common ancestor as it evolved. Budding speciation in the species that would later evolve into golden redfish (S. norvegicus) resulted in emergence of beaked redfish (S. mentella). Paleoclimatic events seem to have played the key role in species divergence as they caused habitat fragmentation allowing the isolated groups to become genetically distinct in the meantime. The conducted analysis of Sebastes redfishes speciation brings into question the generality of widely accepted views on fish sympatric speciation. It also serves as an argument against the molecular clock hypothesis.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):597-608
pages 597-608 views


Physiological Responses of Cucumber Plants to Sodium Lignosulfonate Application to Sandy Loam Soil

Ikkonen E., Yrkevich M.


The use of lignosulfonates (LS) to improve soil fertility is currently under study and discussion. The effect of sodium LS application in the sandy loam soil on the accumulation of biomass, photosynthesis, respiration and their coupling in cucumber plants was studied. The LS rate of 10–25 g/kg did not have a significant effect on the studied parameters of the physiological state of plants. However, at a high LS content (50–100 g/kg), the plant growth rate and activity of the photosynthetic apparatus decreased, and the respiration rate increased, which caused the increase in the ratio of respiration to photosynthesis. The negative effect of high concentrations of LS on the physiological state of cucumber plants and their cold resistance is presumably associated with sodium salinization of the soil.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):609-615
pages 609-615 views

An in vitro Arabidopsis thaliana Root Structural and Functional Characterization

Bulavin I., Sidyakin A.


Two models of Arabidopsis thaliana rhizogenesis in vitro were studied: 1) from callus and 2) leaf explants petioles on the Murashige and Skoog one-tenth strength hormone-free nutrient medium and also with the addition of the growth regulator such as indole-3-butyric acid. Morphological and anatomical studies show significant changes in the structure of the roots formed de novo in vitro from callus tissue, while the organs from leaf explant petioles were similar to those formed from the seed (primary). By Sabinin-Kolosov method, a decrease in the percentage of active root surface was established. Occurrence of the structural changes during in vitro rhizogenesis and their effect on root functionality are discussed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):616-625
pages 616-625 views

Connectivity of Photosynthesis and Respiration with Content of Chlorophyll Pigments in Plants of Reed Fescue Festuca arundinacea Schreb. Under the Impact of Alkanes and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Tyulkova E., Savchenko G., Kabashnikova L.


The association of degradation of membrane-bound chlorophyll with changes in dark respiration rates and photosynthesis in Festuca arundinacea Schreb. leaves under the influence of various concentrations of limit and aromatic hydrocarbons present in technogenic emissions was studied. 1 day after intoxication a negative correlation between the content of non-phytol forms of pigments and the rate of photosynthesis was found. Positive correlation was found between the content of: 1) phytol forms and the rate of photosynthesis; 2) non-phytol forms and respiration rate. The relationships between the processes changed after 3 days characterizing the detoxifying and adaptability of plants.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):626-639
pages 626-639 views


Additional Elements in the Posterior Part of the First and Second Upper Molars in Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis (Rodentia: Cricetidae)

Cheprakov M.


It was found that the variability of additional elements in the posterior part of the first and second upper molars in L. gregalis forms a morphological module with a hierarchical structure. This module is designated as an atypical form (Atypical Form), and its phenotype as AF. The phenotype of the typical form is designated as tf (typical form). The main component of modular variability is an increase in the frequency of individuals with AF phenotype with age. The severity of this phenotype also increases with age. The presence of the AF phenotype in individuals is determined monogenously. Individuals with the AF phenotype are dominant heterozygotes or homozygotes. Which phenotype (tf or AF) the dominant heterozygote implements may depend on the influence of modifier genes. The revealed morphological module of the presence of additional elements in the posterior part of the first and second upper molars has a genetic basis.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):640-649
pages 640-649 views

To the Ecology of Species-Double of Common Vole (Microtus arvalis, Pall.) at the Northern Limit of the Range

Ivanter E.


Based on long-term expeditionary and stationary studies in the taiga Northwest of Russia, the features of distribution, biotopic distribution, reproduction, population dynamics and other ecological features of the common voles are characterized, including those associated with its habitat at the northern boundaries of the range. It is established that in the past fiftieth anniversary the northern boundary of its distribution first moved to the north and reached 63°40′ s. and then also quickly retreated to the south. The reason for the latter is a sharp reduction in crop areas, primarily cereals, in connection with the reorientation of agriculture to dairy and vegetable. This, as well as the replacement of the common voles by native rodent species (housekeeper, dark and red-breasted voles) caused a sharp decrease in the abundance and narrowing of the species range in the eastern regions of Fennoscandia. In the taiga Northwest of Russia during the snowless period, the common voles live primarily in open habitats, including horticultural plots, and in winter they concentrate in haystacks and in straw stacks, where they live together with other representatives of the Microtus. According to V.V. Gromov [2008] and our observations, the elementary structural unit in the settlements of the common voles, is a family group occupying a limited habitat that has been in operation for a fairly long time. In the diet, the main role is played by the participation of herbaceous plants (72% of the occurrence), the smaller – seeds (25%) and a very rare component – tree bark (3%). Under the conditions of the northern periphery, the range reproduces only during one, rather limited, spring-summer season. The age and sex composition of the population varies by season.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):650-658
pages 650-658 views

Circadian Activity in Yellow Ground Squirrels Spermophilus fulvus Licht. (Sciuridae): the Pilot Instrumental Study

Vasilieva N., Lupyrev A., Vasiliev N.


Animal circadian activity was mostly studied in captivity with artificial environment. We performed pioneer study of daily activity using telemetry for yellow ground squirrels (Spermophilus fulvus), burrowing hibernating rodents. Eight individuals were fitted with glued-on radio transmitters contained accelerometers and light sensors in the wild colony in 2021. Our data showed that S. fulvus was strictly diurnal and active aboveground only during daytime. The squirrels ceased locomotor activity and rested when they entered their burrows. As the season progressed, the duration of aboveground activity decreased. In contrast to similar species with peaks of aboveground activity in the morning and in the evening, yellow ground squirrels didn’t break the activity in midday. Probably, prolonged hibernation and, therefore, time deficiency induced S. fulvus to use day hours as effective as possible.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):659-668
pages 659-668 views


The Effect of Photoperiod Duration on Humoral Innate and Humoral Adaptive Immune Responsiveness in Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster

Khrushchova A., Vasilieva N., Shekarova O., Rogovin K.


We studied the humoral innate immune responsiveness (HII), i.e. a hemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes by complement proteins, and adaptive humoral (antibody production) immune responsiveness (AHI) to SRBC, morphological and hormonal reproductive characteristics and stress level in male Campbell hamsters kept under long-day (LD; 16D: 8N) and short-day (SD; 8D: 16N) photoperiods. The results indicate lower HII, but not AHI in SD. In SD males we observed body mass, anogenital distance, midventral gland size and level of testosterone in the peripheral blood (but not the level of cortisol) decreased. Comparison of SD non-responders, SD responders and LD individuals demonstrated a statistically significant increase of HII in SD photosensitive hamsters, but not in non-responders compared to LD. There was no link between HII and AHI, which indicates an independent photoperiodic responsiveness of different branches of the immune system in Campbell’s hamster.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):669-681
pages 669-681 views

Аnticoagulation Effects of Leucine-Containing Glyprolines in Hypercoagulation

Grigorieva M., Obergan T., Lyapina L.


The effects of two leucine-containing glyproline peptides Leu-Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro-Leu, including leucine from the N- and C-ends of the molecules, on the parameters of platelet (primary) and plasma hemostasis were studied. Peptides were administered intranasally for 5 days at a daily dose of 500 mcg/kg of body weight under conditions of hypercoagulation caused by intravenous administration of tissue thromboplastin to metabolic syndrome rats on high-calorie diet. Both peptides contributed to an increase in all types of fibrinolysis (total, enzymatic and non-enzymatic), anticoagulant activity and a decrease in platelet aggregation in rat blood plasma compared with the control. The maximum anticoagulant effect was established in a peptide containing leucine from the C-terminus.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):682-686
pages 682-686 views


Microcystin-LR Biodestruction by Autochthonous Microbiota of Different Water Bodies in the North-West of Russia

Medvedeva N., Zaytseva T., Kuzikova I., Chernova E.


The ability of the autochthonous microbiota of different water bodies in the North-West of the Russian Federation to degrade the highly toxic microcystin-LR (MC-LR) was shown for the first time. The maximum rate of degradation of MC-LR was noted in water samples from the Sestroretskij Razliv Lake and the Lower Suzdal Lake during the period of mass development of cyanobacteria. In water samples from Lake Ladoga, where no toxic cyanobacterial blooms were previously noted, MC-LR biodegradation proceeded at a much lower rate and with a longer lag phase. The composition of MC-LR biodegradation products indicates the presence in the autochthonous microbiota of the studied objects of microorganisms capable of degrading microcystins both by the mlr mechanism and by the biochemical pathway involving glutathione.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):687-699
pages 687-699 views

Shell Amebas of the Natural and Historical Park “Bitsevsky Forest”, Moscow

Bobrov A.


For the first time in protozoology, research was carried out on the fauna of testate amoebae in a city park. One hundred and nine species and infraspecific taxa of this group of free-living protozoa were found in various types of habitats in the Bitsevsky Forest park in Moscow. To assess the species diversity of testate amoebae, samples were taken from tree hollows; small oligo-mesotrophic swamps; epiphytic mosses from tree trunks; mosses on deadwood; bottom samples from reservoirs; soil samples near tree trunks, as well as directly in the area of the Yasenevo park estate. Various ecological groups of testate amoebae have been identified, the richest communities of eurybionts inhabited soils, as well as mosses on deadwood. Bottom sediments of manor ponds were inhabited mainly by hydrophilic species of the genus Difflugia.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):700-705
pages 700-705 views

Ecology of Brambling Fringilla montifringilla L. in the North of Western Siberia

Ryzhanovsky V.


The features of the ecology of brambling at the northern limit of their range in the Priobskaya forest tundra are considered. The nesting density remains high, locally 50–100 pairs/km2, up to the boundary of the distribution of coastal forests and floodplain woodlands along the 67th parallel. Habitats suitable for nesting brambling are also available to the north, but birds are few in number. Biotopic conditions do not significantly limit the progress to the north. The brambling have no adaptations to Subarctic conditions. This is a medium- and north-taiga species that develops the forest tundra as it warms and thickens the woodlands.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):706-715
pages 706-715 views


Shedding of a Thick Layer of Glycocalyx in Cystacanth of the Acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus tenuirostris (Achmerov et Dombrowskaja – Achmerova, 1941)

Davydenko T., Nikishin V.


An electron microscopic study of the teguments of the late acanthella and the cystacanth acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus tenuirostris obtained in the experiment was carried out. The late acanthella is characterized by a bilayer cyst and signs of intense secretion in the surface part of the tegument. A cystacanth is characterized by a cyst and a thick layer of glycocalyx on the surface of the tegument, which are closely adjacent to each other along their entire length. During the preparation of some cystacanths, the cyst received mechanical damage; in these cystacanths, shedding of a thick layer of glycocalyx and associated cyst was observed.

Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ. 2023;(6):716-720
pages 716-720 views