Histological Assessment of the Laboratory Rats Skin after Thermal Damages Treated with Nanosecond Microwave Pulses





The effect of nanosecond repetitively pulsed microwave radiation (RPMR, 10 GHz, 100 ns pulse duration, 8 Hz pulse repetition rate, 140 W/cm2 peak power flux density (pPFD)) on the treatment of a model thermal burn of the skin of laboratory rats was investigated. It is established that after 4-fold local irradiation, the rate of wound healing increases; it is due to the accelerated formation of granulation tissue and a decrease in the thickness of the scab, which ensures scarless healing.


A. Gostyukhina

Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS; Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; National research Tomsk State University

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/3; Russia, 141551, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Goluboe village; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Str., 36

V. Yartsev

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; National research Tomsk State University; Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 141551, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Goluboe village; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Str., 36; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Moscow tract, 2

A. Samoylova

Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS; National research Tomsk State University; Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/3; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Str., 36; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Moscow tract, 2

M. Bolshakov

Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS; National research Tomsk State University

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/3; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Str., 36

S. Evseeva

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia; National research Tomsk State University

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 141551, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Goluboe village; Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Str., 36

V. Mochalova

National research Tomsk State University

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Str., 36

K. Zaitsev

Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 141551, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Goluboe village

O. Kutenkov

Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/3

V. Rostov

Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS

Email: antariks-tomsk2015@yandex.ru
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, Akademichesky Ave., 2/3


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版权所有 © А.А. Гостюхина, В.В. Ярцев, А.В. Самойлова, М.А. Большаков, С.С. Евсеева, В.М. Мочалова, К.В. Зайцев, О.П. Кутенков, В.В. Ростов, 2023
