Forest Biogeocenoses in the Area of Brown Forest Soils of the Western Caucasus


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін


Vegetation and brown forest soil of different types of forests of the southern and northern macroslopes of the Main Caucasian Ridge were studied, special attention was paid to soil fauna (earthworms), microbial and enzymatic activity. A comparative analysis of the main components of forest biogeocenoses (plant communities, earthworms, microbial and enzymatic activity of the soil) of the southern and northern macroslopes of the Main Caucasian Ridge located in the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve and natural monuments “Guam Gorge” and “Colchian boxwood Massif” was carried out. The assessment of the plant diversity of various types of colchian forests of the southern and northern macroslopes is given. The similarity of the structure of plant communities, the population of earthworms, their species richness, as well as the most important indicators of the biological activity of the soil of the southern and northern macroslopes has been established. A close correlation between the indicators of biological activity of brown forest soil with the diversity of vegetation and the number of earthworms is shown.

Авторлар туралы

T. Uligova

Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of RAS

Russia, 360051, Каbаrdinо-Ваlkаr Rерubliс, Nаlсhik, I. Armand street, 37-a

N. Tsepkova

Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of RAS

Russia, 360051, Каbаrdinо-Ваlkаr Rерubliс, Nаlсhik, I. Armand street, 37-a

I. Rapoport

Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of RAS

Russia, 360051, Каbаrdinо-Ваlkаr Rерubliс, Nаlсhik, I. Armand street, 37-a

O. Gorobtsova

Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of RAS

Russia, 360051, Каbаrdinо-Ваlkаr Rерubliс, Nаlсhik, I. Armand street, 37-a

F. Gedgafova

Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of RAS

Russia, 360051, Каbаrdinо-Ваlkаr Rерubliс, Nаlсhik, I. Armand street, 37-a

R. Tembotov

Tembotov Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories of RAS

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Russia, 360051, Каbаrdinо-Ваlkаr Rерubliс, Nаlсhik, I. Armand street, 37-a

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Қосымша файлдар

© Т.С. Улигова, Н.Л. Цепкова, И.Б. Рапопорт, О.Н. Горобцова, Ф.В. Гедгафова, Р.Х. Темботов, 2023

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