Evolution of Viscous Electrically Conducting Fluid Flow on a Rotating Wall in the Presence of a Magnetic Field with Account for the Induction and Diffusion Effects

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The evolution of a viscous conducting fluid flow on a rotating plate in the presence of a magnetic field is studied. The analytical solution of the three-dimensional time-dependent magnetohydrodynamics equations is found. In this case, the full magnetic induction equation is used, i.e., both the dissipation effect and the energy dissipation as a result of the electric current flow are taken into account. The fluid, together with the bounding plane, rotates as a whole at a constant angular velocity about a direction not perpendicular to the plane. The velocity field and the induced magnetic field in the flow of viscous electrically conducting fluid that occupies a half-space bounded by a flat wall are determined. The motion of wall is considered in a series of particular cases. Based on the results obtained, the individual structures of the near-wall boundary layers are investigated

About the authors

A. A. Gurchenkov

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: Challenge2005@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia


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