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卷 52, 编号 7 (2016)


Electrical transport and kinetics of electrode processes in the system of (H2 + H2O + Ar), Pt|La0.9Sr0.1ScO3–δ

Antonova E., Bronin D.


The method of impedance spectroscopy is used to study the electrochemical behavior of (H2 + H2O + Ar), Pt|La0.9Sr0.1ScO3–δ system depending on the temperature (500–700°C) and gas phase composition in the range of hydrogen gas pressures of–1.3 < log(pH2) <–0.01 and water vapor gas pressures of–1.3 < log(pH2O) <–0.03. It is found that conductivity of electrolyte increases and polarization resistance decreases at an increase in water and hydrogen content in the gas phase. The possible causes of such behavior of conductivity are considered and the possible mechanism of the electrode reaction is suggested for the temperature of 700°C.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):595-599
pages 595-599 views

Kinetics of NiO reduction and morphological changes in composite anodes of solid oxide fuel cells: Estimate using Raman scattering technique

Agarkov D., Burmistrov I., Tsybrov F., Tartakovskii I., Kharton V., Bredikhin S.


The kinetics of nickel reduction and morphological changes in Ni–10Sc1CeSZ composite anodes in intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are studied using the Raman spectroscopy technique with the help of application of optically transparent single crystal solid electrolyte membranes and also the thermogravimetric analysis technique. It is shown that the first reduction cycle differs considerably from all the further ones, which is related to morphological changes of nickel grains occurring during the first reduction cycle. A general scheme of occurrence of the process is suggested in studies of model cells using the Raman spectroscopy technique and also in the case of thermogravimetric analysis of powders; it explains the causes for significant differences between the total duration of the process as measured using different techniques. The results of the work can be used for optimization of the mode of initial reduction of the anodic SOFC electrode.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):600-605
pages 600-605 views

Evolution of activity of impregnated with CeO2 Ni-SSZ anodes of fuel cells

Osinkin D., Bogdanovich N.


The behavior of polarization resistance of 50% Ni + 50% Zr0.9Sc0.1O1.95 electrodes in contact with Zr0.84Y0.16O1.92 electrolyte both in their initial state and after the introduction of cerium oxide into their porous structure is studied by the method of electrochemical impedance. The 1500 h experiments carried out at 800°С in the 60% H2O + 40% H2 gas medium demonstrate that the degradation rate of the electrodes in their initial state is somewhat lower than after the introduction of CeO2, while the initial polarization resistance of thus modified electrodes is 5-times lower. It is found that the introduction of cerium oxide can lower down the polarization resistance of electrodes subjected to short-term 500 h exposures.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):606-612
pages 606-612 views

Effect of structural parameters of Ni-ScSZ cermet components on the SOFC anodes characteristics

Spirin A., Nikonov A., Lipilin A., Khrustov V., Kuterbekov K., Nurakhmetov T., Bekmyrza K.


The effect of the degree of dispersion and the ratio of initial components of metalloceramic composites based on Ni and Sc2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (Ni/ScSZ) on the kinetics of sintering, conductivity, and polarization resistance of the corresponding anodes in solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) is studied. The composites are prepared from nano- and submicrosized powders of NiO and ScSZ (10.5 mol % Sc2O3) containing particles with the average size of 0.02–0.33 μm. Anode composites of three types differing in the ratio of initial components (NiO-ScSZ) with different degrees of dispersion: micro-micro, nano-micro, and nano-nano are studied. Due to the ratio of particle sizes, the anodic composites of the nano-nano type demonstrate the preferential electronic conduction (the percolation threshold) starting from the Ni content of about 35 vol %, in contrast to the other two types of anodic composites for which this threshold is achieved at 30 vol %. The lowest polarization resistance is typical of anode composites with the Ni content of about 40 vol %. The use of one or both components in the nanosized state makes it possible to decrease the anodic polarization up to two times. It is demonstrated that an active cermet anode for SOFC can be fabricated in the form of a planar three-layer structure Ni/ScSZ-ScSZ-Ni/ScSZ prepared from nanosized powders by the tape casting technique and cosintering.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):613-621
pages 613-621 views

Electrophysical and thermomechanical properties of perovskites La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) used as fuel cell anodes: the effect of radius of alkali-earth cation

Kolotygin V., Ivanov A., Bredikhin S., Kharton V.


The effect of the radius of the alkali-earth cation substituted into the A sublattice of La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ (А = Са, Sr, Ba) perovskites on their stability and transport and thermomechanical properties is considered. The increase in the cation radius is shown to improve the phase stability and decrease the conductivity under both oxidative and reductive conditions. The thermal and chemical expansion of La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ ceramics is studied by dilatometry in controlled atmospheres and a wide temperature range at p(O2)=10–21–0.21 atm. The coefficients of thermal expansion of La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ are in the interval of (10.7–14.3)× 10–6 K–1, i.e., compatible with those of standard solid electrolytes of solid-oxide fuel cells. The maximum chemical expansion does not exceed 0.2% at isothermal reduction in the CO‒CO2 mixture.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):622-627
pages 622-627 views

Stability, mixed conductivity, and thermomechanical properties of perovskite materials for fuel cell electrodes based on La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ, La0.5Ba0.5Ti0.5Fe0.5O3–δ, and (La0.5А0.5)0.95Cr0.5Fe0.5O3–δ (A = Ca, Ba)

Kolotygin V., Tsipis E., Patrikeev M., Ivanov A., Kharton V.


For materials based on ferrites and manganites with Са2+ and Ва2+ cations substituted into А sublattice, the functional properties are studied and the prospects as electrode materials for solid-oxide fuel cells are assessed. The electronic conductivity of materials based on La0.5A0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ is shown to decrease with the increase in the ionic radius of alkali-earth substituent; however, for La0.5Ва0.5Mn0.5Ti0.5O3–δ and La0.5Ва0.5Fe0.5Ti0.5O3–δ, the appearance of n-conduction is observed during reduction, which may provide adequate conductivity under anodic conditions. Under the conditions of fuel cell operation, the thermal expansion coefficients of these materials are (13.0–13.5) × 10–6 K–1. The thermal and chemical expansion increases with the increase in the radius of alkali-earth cation; the latter value does not exceed 0.2%, which is acceptable for preparation of electronic layers. The transition of oxygen through membranes based on materials studied is determined to the large extent by the kinetics of surface exchange which depends on the rate of delivery of oxygen vacancies to the surface. Doping of ferrites with chromium or titanium decreases the electronic and ionic conductivity; however, the presence of substituents in В sublattice makes it possible to stabilize the perovskite phase in a wide range of р2), decrease the thermal and chemical expansion, and prevent to the large extent the ordering of oxygen vacancies, which allows one to consider these materials as the candidates for electrodes in symmetrical solid-oxide fuel cells.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):628-641
pages 628-641 views

Electrotransport properties of SOFC cathode materials based on lanthanum cuprate doped with praseodymium and strontium oxides

Lyskov N., Kolchina L., Pestrikov P., Mazo G., Antipov E.


A complex study of thermal, conducting, and electrocatalytic properties of cuprates La1.8‒xPrxSr0.2CuO4–δ (х = 0.2; 0.4) with the K2NiF4 structure is carried out in order to assess their prospects as the cathode materials for solid-oxide fuel cells. The thermal analysis reveals stability of samples heated up to 950°С in air. The conductivity of cuprates measured in the temperature range of 100–900°С and the partial oxygen pressure from 10–3 to 1 atm is of the metallic nature and varies from 70 to 40 S/cm in the temperature interval of 500–900°С in air. The studies of chemical stability of cuprates with respect to solid electrolytes demonstrate the absence of their chemical interaction with Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (GDC) at 900°С and with La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.85Mg0.15O3–δ (LSGM) at 1000°C after 25 h annealing. For La1.6Pr0.2Sr0.2CuO4–δ electrodes deposited on the surface of GDC or LSGM solid electrolytes, the studies of electrocatalytic activity in the oxygen reduction reaction demonstrate that the smallest polarization resistance is typical of electrodes deposited on the GDC surface.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):642-647
pages 642-647 views

Modification of mixed conducting Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3–δ by partial substitution of cobalt with tungsten

Popov M., Bychkov S., Nemudry A.


The Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8–xWxFe0.2O3–δ (х = 0–0.1) materials prepaMIECred by partial substitution of cobalt in BSCF with tungsten were studied. The tungsten solubility limit in the structure of cubic perovskite BSCF was shown to be ~2%. The doping with the highly charged W6+ (2%) cation improved the functional properties of BSCF: it increased the oxygen permeability and membrane stability in the CO2-containing atmosphere and suppressed the cubic–hexagonal perovskite polymorphic transition. This stabilizes high oxygen fluxes during long-term stability tests.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):648-654
pages 648-654 views

Structure and properties of the crystals of solid electrolytes (ZrO2)1 – xy(Sc2O3)x(Y2O3)y (x = 0.035–0.11, y = 0–0.02) prepared by selective melt crystallization

Borik M., Bredikhin S., Bublik V., Kulebyakin A., Kuritsyna I., Lomonova E., Milovich F., Myzina V., Osiko V., Seryakov S., Tabachkova N.


Single crystals of solid electrolytes of the (ZrO2)1–xy(Sc2O3)x(Y2O3)y (x = 0.035–0.11, y = 0‒0.02) system were grown by selective melt crystallization. Stabilization of ZrO2 only with Sc2O3 in the concentration range 9–11 mol % Sc2O3 did not afford crystals with a cubic structure, and only the introduction of additional Y2O3 stabilizers afforded uniform transparent single-phase cubic crystals. All the crystals under study had high microhardness, but low crack resistance. The ion conductivity of crystals with 6 and 9 mol % Sc2O3 (6ScZr and 9ScZr, respectively) is comparable to that of 8 mol % Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (8YSZ), which is the most suitable electrolyte in the ZrO2–Y2O3 binary system. The specific conductivity of crystals containing 8–10 mol % Sc2O3 and 1–2 mol % Y2O3 exceeds that of other materials including 8YSZ. The maximum conductivity in the given range of compositions is inherent in the cubic phase with 10 mol % Sc2O3 and 1 mol % Y2O3 (10Sc1YZr).

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):655-661
pages 655-661 views

Comparison of characteristics of solid oxide fuel cells with YSZ and CGO film solid electrolytes formed using magnetron sputtering technique

Solov’ev A., Shipilova A., Koval’chuk A., Ionov I., Rabotkin S.


The work describes the methods of manufacturing single cells of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with thin–film YSZ and CGO electrolytes and also with the bilayer YSZ/CGO electrolyte. Formation of YSZ and CGO films on the supporting NiO–YSZ anode of SOFC was carried out using the combined electron–ionic–plasma deposition technique. The microstructure and phase composition of the formed coatings are studied and also comparative analysis of electrochemical characteristics of single fuel cells with different electrolytes is performed. It is shown that the maximum power density of 1.35 W/cm2 at the temperature of 800°C is obtained for the cell with bilayer YSZ/CGO electrolyte. However, the highest performance at lower working temperatures (650–700°C) is characteristic for the fuel cell with single–layer CGO electrolyte; its power density is 600–650 mW/cm2.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):662-668
pages 662-668 views

Preparation of membrane-electrode assemblies of solid oxide fuel cells by co-sintering of electrodes

Bredikhin S., Burmistrov I., Agarkov D., Tsybrov F.


The results of the development of procedures for forming membrane-electrode assemblies (MEAs) of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) by co-sintering of electrodes and electrochemical tests of MEAs were described. Plates of Hionic™ material (Fuel Cell Materials, United States) with an area of 50 × 50 mm2 were used as a solid electrolyte membrane. The cathode layers were prepared from cation-deficient lanthanum-strontium manganite and the anion conductor 89 mol % ZrO2–10 mol % Sc2O3–1 mol % CeO2 (10Sc1CeSZ) with a carbon black addition for control over the microstructure. The anode layers were formed from the composite NiO/10Sc1CeSZ and by introducing rice starch as a pore-forming agent in the anode current-collecting layer. The thermal treatment mode was optimized based on thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy data and the results of testing the electrochemical characteristics of SOFCs to provide the formation of electrochemically active electrodes using one thermal cycle.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):669-677
pages 669-677 views

Regularities of high-temperature oxidation of current collectors of solid oxide fuel cells due to diffusion processes in subsurface regions

Demeneva N., Matveev D., Kharton V., Bredikhin S.


A complex study of regularities of oxidative reactions is carried out in subsurface layers of current collectors of solid oxide fuel cells manufactured of Crofer 22APU or Crofer 22H stainless steel. The methods of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and Raman spectroscopy are used to study the distribution of the main steel elements in subsurface layers of current collectors as dependent on the operation time under the conditions of a cathodic chamber of solid oxide fuel cells. A mechanism of the process is suggested and contact resistance between the current collector and LSM cathode is calculated using the model of a Schottky barrier for a metal–semiconductor junction.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):678-684
pages 678-684 views

Nuclear magnetic relaxation of protons in “polyantimonic acid–phosphate” composites

Neustroev A., Zakhar’evich D., Chernov V.


The results of studying MeH2PO4 (Me = K, Na)/Sb2O5 · 2.7H2O composites using the pulsed NMR spectroscopy technique at the temperatures of 20–140°C are presented. The contribution of interfaces, a subsystem formed due to interaction between the components of the composite, is identified in the signals of transverse magnetization decay. Protons near the interfaces are in two states, mobile and bound, and the fraction of mobile protons increases with the temperature, as all protons prove to be in the mobile state at the temperatures above 80°C. The composition of the interface is determined by the ion exchange reaction between components and is close to phosphoric acid. The obtained results explain the observed increase in conductivity of composites as compared to pure components.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):685-689
pages 685-689 views

Dielectric losses and proton conductivity of polyantimonic acid membranes

Yaroshenko F., Burmistrov V.


Composite membranes consisting of polyvinyl alcohol and disperse particles of polyantimonic acid with different ratios of components were studied. Processes related to the relaxation and proton transport in a heterogeneous system were considered. The proton transport in the membranes was shown to occur both within the particle (along the chains of alternating wcapacitorater molecules and oxonium ions), forming macrodipoles, and in the intercrystallite space in the polymer matrix. The relaxation was described by the two-layer Maxwell–Wagner capacitor with an effective relaxation time. The relaxation activation energy obtained from the dielectric loss data coincided with the proton conductivity activation energy in the frequency-independent region, which points to the same nature of ion transport.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):690-693
pages 690-693 views

Kinetics of H+/Me+ (Me = Na, K) ion exchange in polyantimonic acid

Kovalenko L., Burmistrov V., Biryukova A.


The kinetics of ion exchange in polyantimonic acid (PAA) with the composition of Sb2O5 · 3.2H2O are studied. It is shown that sodium and potassium ions replace mobile proton groups and are located in channels of the PAA crystal structure. Diffusion coefficients are calculated in the approximation of the spheric grain model on the basis of the ion exchange data.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):694-698
pages 694-698 views

Electrode materials based on lanthanum ferrite cobaltite for molten carbonate fuel cells

Konopel’ko M., Vecherskii S., Zvezdkin M., Zvezdkina I., Batalov N.


New cathode and anode materials for fuel cells with an electrolyte based on alkali carbonate melts have been studied. The regions of the orthorhombic and rhombohedral phases in the LaFe1–yCoyO3 + x/2Li2O system in air and in contact with molten (Li0.68K0.32)2CO3 electrolyte were investigated. The electric conductivity was analyzed in the range 300–1020 K. The electrocatalytic activity in oxygen reduction was analyzed for the new cathode materials. A method for introducing the Al2O3 additive in the anode material was suggested. The polarization characteristics of the porous gas-diffusion electrodes were determined.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):699-704
pages 699-704 views

Degradation processes in hydrogen–air fuel cell as a function of the operating conditions and composition of membrane–electrode assemblies

Tarasevich M., Bogdanovskaya V., Modestov A., Tripachev O., Korchagin O., Kuzov A.


The optimal composition of membrane–electrode assemblies and operating conditions of hydrogen–air fuel cells, which provide a high efficiency and stability of catalytically active cathode layers and the fuel cell as a whole are determined for commercial monoplatinum electrocatalysts on the highly dispersed carbon support containing 60–70 wt % Pt. The degradation processes in the Pt/C catalysts are studied by a complex of electrochemical methods and the methods of structural analysis.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry. 2016;52(7):705-715
pages 705-715 views