
The Genome of Bread Wheat Triticum aestivum L.: Unique Structural and Functional Properties
Loginova D., Silkova O.
Lactobacillus fermentum 90 TC-4 taxonomic status confirmation using whole genome sequencing and MALDI TOF mass spectrum
Belova I., Tochilina A., Solovyeva I., Efimov E., Gorlova I., Ivanova T., Zhirnov V.
Development of microsatellite genetic markers in Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour) based on the de novo whole genome sequencing
Belokon M., Politov D., Mudrik E., Polyakova T., Shatokhina A., Belokon Y., Oreshkova N., Putintseva Y., Sharov V., Kuzmin D., Krutovsky K.
Genome Duplication in Animal Evolution
Zadesenets K., Rubtsov N.
Development of microsatellite genetic markers in Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) based on the de novo whole genome sequencing
Oreshkova N., Putintseva Y., Sharov V., Kuzmin D., Krutovsky K.
Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy in Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus Pallas, 1771)
Vershinin V., Sitnikov I., Vershinina S., Trofimov A., Lebedinsky A., Miura I.
Genetic Consequences of Interspecific Hybridization, Its Role in Speciation and Phenotypic Diversity of Plants
Rodionov A., Amosova A., Belyakov E., Zhurbenko P., Mikhailova Y., Punina E., Shneyer V., Loskutov I., Muravenko O.
AFLP, RAPD, and ISSR analysis of intraspecific polymorphism and interspecific differences of allotetraploid species Aegilops kotschyi Boiss. and Aegilops variabilis Eig
Goryunova S., Chikida N., Kochieva E.
Comparative Complete Chloroplast Genome Analyses and Contribution to the Understanding of Chloroplast Phylogeny and Adaptive Evolution in Subgenus Anguinum
Jin F., Y X., Xie D., Li H., Yu Y., Zhou S., He X.
Evolution of Goat’s Rue Rhizobia (Neorhizobium galegae): Analysis of Polymorphism of the Nitrogen Fixation and Nodule Formation Genes
Karasev E., Andronov E., Aksenova T., Chizhevskaya E., Tupikin A., Provorov N.
Whole Mitochondrial Genome of Blakiston’s Fish Owl Bubo (Ketupa) blakistoni Suggests Its Redescription in the Genus Ketupa
Spiridonova L., Surmach S.
Forms of natural selection controlling the genomic evolution in nodule bacteria
Provorov N., Andronov E., Onishchuk O.
The heteroplasmy level of some mutations in gene MT-CYB among women with asymptomatic atherosclerosis
Sinyov V., Chicheva M., Barinova V., Ryzhkova A., Zilinyi R., Karagodin V., Postnov A., Sobenin I., Orekhov A., Sazonova M.
Genetic Heterogeneity of a Diploid Grass Aegilops tauschii Revealed by Chromosome Banding Methods and Electrophoretic Analysis of the Seed Storage Proteins (Gliadins)
Badaeva E., Fisenko A., Surzhikov S., Yankovskaya A., Chikida N., Zoshchuk S., Belousova M., Dragovich A.
Complete Genome Sequence of Bifidobacterium angulatum GT102: Potential Genes and Systems of Communication with Host
Zakharevich N., Nezametdinova V., Averina O., Chekalina M., Alekseeva M., Danilenko V.
Transposable Elements in the Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks
Pirogov S., Maksimenko O., Georgiev P.
A Method for Measuring the Heteroplasmy Level of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations
Mitrofanov K., Karagodin V., Khasanova Z., Orekhova N., Orekhov A., Sobenin I.
The genetic diversity of burbot (Lota lota L., 1758) of Western Siberia (the analysis of the mtDNA control region polymorphism)
Khrunyk Y., Bogdanov V., Yalkovskaya L., Koporikov A., Rakitin S., Sibiryakov P., Borodin A.
Chromosome as a chronicler: Genetic dating, historical events, and DNA-genealogic temptation
Balanovsky O., Zaporozhchenko V.
The Characteristics of Primary Hybrids Obtained in Crosses between Common Wheat from China and Cultivated Rye
Pyukkenen V., Pendinen G., Mitrofanova O.
The Role of Whole-Genome Studies in the Investigation of Honey Bee Biology
Yunusbaev U., Kaskinova M., Ilyasov R., Gaifullina L., Saltykova E., Nikolenko A.
Comparison of Amplification Methods of Single Trophoblast Cells for Their Subsequent Analysis Using Metaphase Comparative Genomic Hybridization
Musatova E., Tveleneva A., Martynov A., Markova Z., Shilova N.
Inheritance of 5'-Truncated Copies of R2 Retrotransposon in a Series of Generations of German Cockroach, Blattella germanica
Oyun N., Zagoskina A., Mukha D.
Prospects for application of breakthrough technologies in breeding: The CRISPR/Cas9 system for plant genome editing
Khlestkina E., Shumny V.
Detection of Point Mutations and Chromosomal Translocations Based on Massive Parallel Sequencing of Enriched 3C Libraries
Mozheiko E., Fishman V.
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