
New Missense Mutation His2026Arg in the Factor VIII Gene Was Revealed in Two Female Patients with Clinical Manifestation of Hemophilia A
Surin V., Salomashkina V., Pshenichnikova O., Perina F., Bobrova O., Ershov V., Budanova D., Gadaev I., Konyashina N., Zozulya N.
An overlooked phenomenon: Female-biased sex ratio among carriers of Robertsonian translocations detected in consecutive newborn studies
Kovaleva N.
Genetic Heterogeneity of a Diploid Grass Aegilops tauschii Revealed by Chromosome Banding Methods and Electrophoretic Analysis of the Seed Storage Proteins (Gliadins)
Badaeva E., Fisenko A., Surzhikov S., Yankovskaya A., Chikida N., Zoshchuk S., Belousova M., Dragovich A.
Species-specific reorganization of the interphase chromosome architecture in generative tissue as a special type of chromosomal mutations associated with speciation
Stegniy V.
Study of the Individual Radiosensitivity in Humans Based on the Assessment of the Frequency of Chromosome Aberrations and Micronuclei in Peripheral Blood T Lymphocytes
Vozilova A., Akhmadullina Y.
Genetic characterization of Balkars and Karachays according to the variability of the Y chromosome
Dzhaubermezov M., Ekomasova N., Litvinov S., Khusainova R., Akhmetova V., Balinova N., Khusnutdinova E.
Compensation Ability between the Chromosomes of Homoeologous Group 7 of Triticum aestivum L. and Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum Hudson (2n = 28) and Analysis of the Transmission Frequency of Alien 7H1Lmar Chromosome through Gametes in the Progeny of Wheat–Barley Substitution Lines
Efremova T., Chumanova E., Trubacheeva N., Pershina L.
Whole-genome sequencing of eukaryotes: From sequencing of DNA fragments to a genome assembly
Zadesenets K., Ershov N., Rubtsov N.
Apropas phenomenon of women predominance among carriers of reciprocal translocations during disturbances in reproduction
Kovaleva N.
Demographic and Genetic Portraits of the Ulchi Population
Alborova I., Zhabagin M., Koshel S., Daragan D., Borisova E., Galakhova A., Maltceva O., Mustafin K., Yankovsky N., Balanovsky O., Balanovska E., Bogunov Y., Kamenshikova E., Balaganskaya O., Agdzhoyan A., Bogunova A., Skhalyakho R.
Chromosome as a chronicler: Genetic dating, historical events, and DNA-genealogic temptation
Balanovsky O., Zaporozhchenko V.
Genome Duplication in Animal Evolution
Zadesenets K., Rubtsov N.
Genotoxic effects of pesticide fipronil in somatic and generative cells of mice
Lovinskaya A., Kolumbayeva S., Kolomiets O., Abilev S.
Mutational analysis of hemophilia B in Russia: Molecular-genetic study
Surin V., Demidova E., Selivanova D., Luchinina Y., Salomashkina V., Pshenichnikova O., Likhacheva E.
Inferring the Genetic Ancestry of Ubykh People from North Caucasus
Balanovska E., Skhalyakho R., Kagazezheva Z., Zaporozhchenko V., Urasin V., Agdzhoyan A., Koshel S., Pocheshkhova E., Balanovsky O.
Gene pool of the Novgorod population: Between the north and the south
Balanovska E., Agdzhoyan A., Skhalyakho R., Balaganskaya O., Freydin G., Chernevskii K., Chernevskii D., Stepanov G., Kagazezheva Z., Zaporozhchenko V., Markina N., Palipana D., Koshel S., Kozlov S., Balanovsky O.
Influence of acetylcysteine on cytogenetic effects of etoposide in mouse oocytes
Pligina K., Zhanataev A., Kulakova A., Chaika Z., Durnev A.
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