
Role of PtrXTH1 and PnXTH1 Genes Encoding Xyloglucan Endo-Transglycosylases in Regulation of Growth and Adaptation of Plants to Stress Factors
Kuluev B., Berezhneva Z., Knyazev A., Nikonorov Y., Chemeris A.
24-epibrassinolide effects on in vitro callus tissue formation, growth, and regeneration in wheat varieties with contrasting drought resistance
Seldimirova O., Bezrukova M., Galin I., Lubyanova A., Shakirova F., Kruglova N.
Role of cytokinins in stress resistance of plants
Veselov D., Kudoyarova G., Kudryakova N., Kusnetsov V.
Roles of ethylene and cytokinins in development of defense responses in Triticum aestivum plants infected with Septoria nodorum
Veselova S., Burkhanova G., Nuzhnaya T., Maksimov I.
Influence of Blue-Light Signaling Components on the Regulation of Cytokinin-Dependent Arabidopsis thaliana Seedlings’ Greening
Doroshenko A., Danilova M., Medvedeva A., Kusnetsov V.
Dependence of root biomass accumulation on the content and metabolism of cytokinins in ethylene-insensitive plants
Korobova A., Vysotskaya L., Vasinskaya A., Kuluev B., Veselov S., Kudoyarova G.
Influence of Macroelements’ Uneven Distribution on the Content of Hormones and Extension of the Roots in Wheat Plants
Korobova A., Ivanov I., Akhiyarova G., Veselov S., Veselov D., Kudoyarova G.
Protective effect of wheat germ agglutinin on the course of mitosis in the roots of Triticum aestivum seedlings exposed to cadmium
Bezrukova M., Fatkhutdinova R., Shakirova F.
Plastome Transcription Machinery and Peculiarities of the Expression of Its Genes during Cytokinin-Dependent Deetiolation of Arabidopsis thaliana
Danilova M., Doroshenko A., Kudryakova N., Andreeva A., Kusnetsov V.
Molecular and physiological responses of Arabidopsis thaliana plants deficient in the genes responsible for ABA and cytokinin reception and metabolism to heat shock
Danilova M., Kudryakova N., Doroshenko A., Zabrodin D., Vinogradov N., Kuznetsov V.
Interaction of Phytohormones in Regulating the Axillary Bud Growth in Pea
Kotov A., Kotova L.
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