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Vol 89, No 1 (2019)

Science and Society

International Law and Sanctions: The Search for Red Lines

Khabrieva T.Y., Kapustin A.Y.


The activization of sanctions policy by leading global powers and their alliances has recently revealed the insufficiency of doctrinal studies on international legal regulation when implementing international coercive measures. Prevalent approaches to the correlation of the categories of sanction and law have been determined in terms of domestic and international law based on historical and comparative analysis of the positions of domestic and foreign legal doctrines. Despite fundamental differences in the national and international legal systems, it has been established that in both cases sanctions act as a coercive measure to comply with legal norms both in terms of implementing international responsibility and in relations not involving responsibility. Specific examples are given of unilateral coercive measures (sanctions) by regional international organizations that disagreed with the imperatives of general international law. The conclusion is made that international legal regulation of coercive measures is unsatisfactory, and the main causes of this situation are revealed. The analysis undertaken made it possible to formulate a proposal to elaborate a doctrinal model of eligibility criteria for international coercive measures.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):1-6
pages 1-6 views

The Question of Clean-Up of Radioactive Contamination in the Arctic Region

Sarkisov A.A.


This article considers the most significant sources of large-scale radioactive contamination in the Arctic from the middle of the last century: radioactive fallout from nuclear weapon tests, discharges of waste from the Sellafield (the United Kingdom) and Cap de la Hague (France) radiochemical plants, radioactivity carry-over by the northern rivers of Russia, nuclear Navy operation, radioisotope thermoelectric generators, and submerged and sunken radioactive objects. Their comparative contribution and associated radioecological risks are assessed. Special attention is focused on the analysis of the “nuclear legacy” of the Soviet/Russian nuclear Navy and the search for its solution. The content and results of the implementation of the Strategic Master Plan for the disposal of decommissioned nuclear Navy and radioecological rehabilitation of the service infrastructure, developed as part of broad international cooperation, is described. Attention is drawn to the remaining unsolved environmental problems in the Arctic associated with submerged and sunken objects containing spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Summary data on such objects and the risks of radioecological pollution of aquatic areas, estimated on the basis of simulation of the consequences of possible accidents, are presented.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):7-22
pages 7-22 views


The Crisis in Economics, Its Nature, and Ways to Recover

Nekipelov A.D.


In recent decades, along with the conventional mainstream economic theory, numerous alternative approaches to solving key economic problems have emerged, which the author considers evidence of a crisis. Some of the main disadvantages of neoclassical economic theory, according to the author, are the institutional statics, as well as the methodological heterogeneity of its two component branches—micro- and macroeconomics. Overcoming the crisis in economics is associated with constructing a general economic theory based on the principles of “pure science” with a clear recognition of the functions performed by various socio-economic disciplines. While “pure economic theory” is intended to form a kind of intellectual layout of the economic system, the “realistic sciences,” which, according to the author, also include modern macroeconomics, and are instruments for analyzing specific socio-economic phenomena and processes. Taking into account that economic agents in the society are people with consciousness and interests, the author postulates the existence of an area of uncertainty, which cannot be fully comprehended.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):23-33
pages 23-33 views

Optogenetics and Vision

Kirpichnikov M.P., Ostrovsky M.A.


The authors discuss the main strategies for returning vision to blind people: electronic and optogenetic prosthetics of degenerative (blind) retina. Primary attention is paid to the prospects of retinal prosthetics for the blind using the methods of modern optogenetics. Photosensitive retinal-containing proteins, rhodopsins, are considered as tools for such prosthetics. The question of which particular cells of the degenerative retina and which rhodopsins can be prosthetic, as well as the ways of delivering the rhodopsin genes to these cells, is discussed. In conclusion, the main provisions and problems related to optogenetic prosthetics of degenerative retina are formulated.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Organization of Research

Science without Borders: The Siberian Experience

Molodin V.I., Ermikov V.D.


Today, Russian science has every chance of reaching a completely new level, which would be impossible without proactive effort in the international dimension. In this regard, it makes sense to recall the experience of successful scientific cooperation between institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and organizations in Western countries at the turn of the century, in the most difficult years of the systemic crisis in Russia. This experience may prove useful in the present conditions.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):39-49
pages 39-49 views

Point of View

Distinctive Features of Contemporary Russian Education

Tavokin E.P.


In considering Soviet experience and the situation in contemporary Russia, the author substantiates the thesis that any state has the education system that it needs. The structure and content of the federal educational standard in specialty 081100 “State and Municipal Management” are analyzed in detail, making it possible to conclude that education based on this standard can yield no real knowledge, expertise, or skills in the sphere of management. The author argues that the same scheme underlies practically the entire nomenclature of humanities-associated trends, this system of pseudoeducation being in demand in our country because it fully corresponds to the state of contemporary Russian society. This system was formed within the model of minimal state regulation of all spheres of social life, which was established after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The implementation of this model has led to the loss of goal-setting and strategic functions of the domestic system of management at all levels. The author calls for a revival of these functions, which will lead to positive transformations in the system of vocational education as well.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):50-55
pages 50-55 views

From the Researcher’s Notebook

Theory and Practice of Sensorimotor Psychosynthesis

Petrenko V.F., Kucherenko V.V.


This article presents the theory and practical application of a promising technique called sensorimotor psychosynthesis, which permits the induction of an altered state of consciousness in a patient. A state termed the “entangled state” in quantum physics and an empathy state in psychology emerges as the therapist (suggester) and the patient interact. The active dialogue between the suggester and the patient is the major distinctive feature of the sensorimotor psychosynthesis method and the major difference between this method and directive hypnosis. The authors describe a dynamic transformation of the worldviews (or mentality) in a number of patients during psychotherapy. This transformation occurred due to the construction of semantic spaces, a major psychosemantic approach to personality analysis, which involves the construction of a unique reality by the patient in an altered state of consciousness and the patient’s existence in this reality, which conforms to the patient’s desires and motives. Applications of the method in psychotherapy, sports, and criminal investigations are discussed.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):56-64
pages 56-64 views

Environmental Problems


Osipov V.I., Aksyutin O.E., Ishkov A.G., Grachev V.A., Sergeev D.O.


Warming of the Earth’s climate requires that human economic activity adapt to the concomitant changes, especially in permafrost areas. The authors suggest adaptation as an effective mechanism for environmental management, which allows both nature conservation and increased resilience and stability of the created infrastructure to climate change. The adaptation model for the economic development of Subarctic territories involves a number of sequential procedures based on in-depth knowledge of the laws governing development of the cryosphere, forecasting of temperature changes, and the state of permafrost areas. The article provides examples of adaptation technologies used in solving economic problems in Russia’s Subarctic zone.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):65-71
pages 65-71 views


Fashchuk D.Y., Terent’ev A.S., Koval’chuk S.K., Kucheruk N.V.


The distribution, structure, and dynamics of the bottom communities of the Kerch Strait macrozoobenthos were studied based on an analysis of literary sources in 1934 and 1955, archival data of hydrobiological field studies by the Southern Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (YugNIRO, Kerch) in 1986 and 1989, and the results of a joint Russian–Ukrainian benthic survey of the Kerch Strait (47 stations) carried out by the Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and YugNIRO in summer 2010. It has been revealed that over the past 75 years, populations of bivalve filter-feeding mollusks (sestonophages) have degraded in the strait’s ecosystem, whereas populations of polychaetes (detritovorous collectors) preferring silty beds have increased. Species of benthic animals and areas of the strait in which maximum changes have occurred have been identified. After analyzing the dynamics of the structure of bottom sediments in the strait based on the archival YugNIRO data and the results of a diving survey by IG RAS in 2008 (49 dives), it was proved that one reason for the established transformations was silt deposition in a significant part of the floor of the strait as a result of previous (burial of dredged sediments, 1960–1990 ) and modern (construction of the Tuzla dam, 2003) economic activity. Since the character of the recorded transformations prevents the assumption of these reasons as unique, the authors consider various hypotheses explaining the mechanism for these changes. A conclusion is drawn about the need for further research on the geoecological dynamics of the Kerch Strait ecosystem, especially today, after construction of the Crimean Bridge.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):72-77
pages 72-77 views


Can We Talk about the Formation of a New Social System in China?

Vinogradov A.V., Salitskii A.I.


In connection with the 40th anniversary of the Chinese reforms, the authors analyzed the milestones reached by China. Particular attention was paid to recent events—the 19th CPC Congress and the 1st session of the NPC of the 13th convocation. According to the authors, reforms and modernization in China are close to completion. It was stated at the CPC congress that the country has entered a fundamentally new phase of development, it is forming an original social structure, and Chinese specificity is acquiring the features of integrity as an independent, social development project alternative to the West.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):78-83
pages 78-83 views

History of Science and Technology

Chain Initiation

Ptushenko V.V.


The formation of the chemical EPR spectroscopy scientific school established by Academician V.V. Voevodskii (1917–1967) is described, as well as the history of the development of the instrumentation basis for this new field of science in the USSR. Designing the first EPR spectrometers for the chemical radio spectroscopy initiated the appearance of the new science instrumentation area in our country. Basing on the recollections of the scientists and engineers and using the archive materials the author restored the succession of the relevant events and the names of their participants.

Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2019;89(1):84-90
pages 84-90 views

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