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Issue Title File
Vol 46, No 11 (2016) Strong bimetallic structural material alloyed with nitrogen
Avdeenko A.M., Molyarov V.G., Kalashnikova A.V., Bocharov A.N., Molyarov A.V.
Vol 46, No 4 (2016) Structural and phase states in high-quality rail
Peregudov O.A., Gromov V.E., Ivanov Y.F., Morozov K.V., Konovalov S.V.
Vol 48, No 4 (2018) Structural Changes of High-Temperature Nickel Alloy Containing Rhenium and Lanthanum on Heat Treatment
Nikonenko E.L., Popova N.A., Sizonenko N.R., Dement T.V., Koneva N.A.
Vol 49, No 5 (2019) Structural Evolution of Thin-Plate Pearlite in Wire-Blank Production
Parusov E.V., Gubenko S.I., Sychkov A.B., Chuiko I.N., Sagura L.V., Kamalova G.Y.
Vol 49, No 12 (2019) Structural Suitability Analysis of Metals and Alloys: Communication 1
Meshkov Y.Y., Shiyan A.V.
Vol 49, No 1 (2019) Structural Viability of Steel with Stress Concentrations under Uniaxial Tension
Shiyan A.V., Meshkov Y.Y.
Vol 48, No 7 (2018) Structure and Properties of Carbon Steel Wire in Drawing
Chukin M.V., Polyakova M.A., Pivovarova K.G., Efimova Y.Y., Gulin A.E.
Vol 47, No 6 (2017) Structure and properties of H-beams after accelerated water cooling
Ivanov Y.F., Belov E.G., Gromov V.E., Konovalov S.V., Kosinov D.A.
Vol 47, No 11 (2017) Structure and Properties of Superlow-Carbon Martensitic Steel after Controlled Rolling and Tempering
Shabalov I.P., Filippov V.G., Baeva L.A., Chevskaya O.N.
Vol 47, No 3 (2017) Structure formation in high-strength nitrogen-bearing steel on hot deformation
Fomina O.V.
Vol 47, No 8 (2017) Structure formation in wire
Sychkov A.B., Stolyarov A.Y., Kamalova G.Y., Efimova Y.Y., Egorova L.Y., Gulin A.E.
Vol 48, No 4 (2018) Structure of a Carbon Steel–Stainless Steel Bimetal
Shlyakhova G.V., Barannikova S.A., Bochkareva A.V., Li Y.V., Zuev L.B.
Vol 49, No 5 (2019) Structure of Amorphous Phase and Nanocrystalline Phases in the Devitrification of Iron Alloys
D’yakonova N.B., D’yakonov D.L., Kornienkov B.A., Filippova V.P.
Vol 48, No 5 (2018) Structure of Fe–Nb–Cu–Si–B Nanocrystalline Alloy Strip Produced by Melt Spinning
Kuznetsov P.A., Klimov V.N., Kirilenko D.A., Yagovkina M.A., Samodelkin E.A.
Vol 49, No 10 (2019) Study of Strain and Structural Peculiarities in Different Stages of Two- and Three-High Screw Rolling
Skripalenko M.M., Romantsev B.A., Galkin S.P., Kaputkina L.M., Skripalenko M.N.
Vol 49, No 11 (2019) Study of the Behavior of Dioxins and Furans in the Zinc and Lead Removal Process from EAF Dust
Simonyan L.M., Demidova N.V.
Vol 49, No 9 (2019) Study of the Structural Condition of Metal in Billet after Deformation in the Continuous-Casting Line
Smirnov E.N., Smirnov A.N., Sklyar V.A., Mikheev V.V., Belevitin V.A., Orlov G.A., Verzilov A.P.
Vol 49, No 1 (2019) Sulfur and Gas Removal from Hot Metal by Injecting Disperse Magnesium in a Gas Jet
Vergun A.S., Shevchenko A.F., Kislyakov V.G., Molchanov L.S., Dvoskin B.V.
Vol 49, No 10 (2019) Surface Finish Enhancement of Hot-Rolled Strips on the 2000 Wide-Strip Rolling Mill Using Mathematical Modeling at Novolipetsk Steel
Pimenov V.A., Dagman A.I., Pogodaev A.K., Kovalev D.A., Zhovnodii N.N.
Vol 47, No 12 (2017) Surface Hardening of Hard Tungsten-Carbide Alloys: A Review
Oskolkova T.N., Glezer A.M.
Vol 47, No 10 (2017) Surface of high-chromium steel modified by an intense pulsed electron beam
Ivanov Y.F., Klopotov A.A., Petrikova E.A., Abzaev Y.A., Ivanova O.V.
Vol 48, No 3 (2018) Surface Phenomena in the Smelting Bath of an Oxygen Converter
Khisamutdinov N.E., Yavoiskaya O.V., Yavoiskii A.V., Khisamutdinov S.N.
Vol 46, No 9 (2016) Surface-crack formation in the manufacture of microalloyed steel pipe
Kolbasnikov N.G., Mishin V.V., Shishov I.A., Matveev M.A., Korchagin A.M.
Vol 46, No 7 (2016) Surface-crack formation in the two-phase region when rolling thick microalloyed-steel sheet
Kolbasnikov N.G., Zotov O.G., Matveev M.A., Glukhov P.A., Korchagin A.M.
Vol 47, No 11 (2017) Symmetry of Arc Furnace Operation
Shurygin Y.A.
526 - 550 of 623 Items << < 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 > >> 

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