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Том 49, № 8 (2018)

Original Paper

Impact of the Characteristic Impedance of Coaxial Lines on the Sensitivity of a 750-MHz Electronically Tunable EPR Resonator

Nakaoka R., Komarov D., Matsumoto S., Hirata H.


A 750-MHz electronically tunable resonator was investigated in terms of the sensitivity of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signal detection. The conversion efficiency of the radio-frequency magnetic field was calculated for resonators with 50- and 100-Ω coaxial coupling lines using three-dimensional (3D) microwave field and microwave circuit simulators. Based on the simulation results, two tunable resonators were physically constructed and compared in terms of EPR signal sensitivity using a nitroxyl radical solution. While the resonator with 100-Ω coaxial lines provided 14% greater signal intensity, its signal-to-noise ratio was lower than that of the resonator with 50-Ω lines. To demonstrate the capability of the constructed tunable resonator for EPR imaging experiments, a solution of nitroxyl radical and the leg of a tumor-bearing mouse were visualized.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):853-867
pages 853-867 views

Double Electron–Electron Resonance Between Trapped Electron and Hole in a Semiconductor

Akimoto I., Sekiya T.


We demonstrate the spin interactions between dispersedly trapped electrons and holes in a semiconductor using the double electron–electron resonance (DEER) method of the pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques. An aluminum-doped titanium dioxide crystal is adopted as a spin system, in which optically generated electrons and holes are trapped, to reveal EPR signals that appear close to each other at a selected crystal orientation under an external magnetic field. We used the four-pulse DEER method by applying two microwave frequencies to a microwave cavity for pumping electrons and probing holes at the optimum temperature of 32 K. The dipolar modulation in the probed signal by pumping interacting spins was successfully detected. The observed non-oscillating decay shape indicates that the detected interaction is caused by widely distributed trapped electron and hole spins over long distances. We were able to extract a spin-pair distribution function by the first derivative of a background-corrected curve, referring to a previously reported method.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):757-766
pages 757-766 views

Imaging Doxorubicin Free Radical in Mice with Overhauser Enhanced MRI and its Tumor Suppression Effect in Mice

Kato N., Sato S., Yamada K., Ichikawa K.


In the treatment with anticancer drugs, it is important to deliver an anticancer agent to target site of the tumor at an appropriate concentration. However, it is difficult to directly measure the distribution amount of the agent and effect of anticancer drug is evaluated using its tumor suppression effect. In this study, we report an approach to visualizing an anticancer agent distribution in tumor-bearing mouse model using Overhauser enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (OMRI). The agent, doxorubicin, is one of anthracycline anticancer drugs and can form a free radical at its quinone sites and could be visualized using OMRI. After direct injection into a tumor, doxorubicin free radical was successfully imaged in tumor-bearing mouse, demonstrating practical usefulness of OMRI in the study of pharmacodynamics of free radical compounds. Imaging of antitumor agent would be potentially useful as a guidance tool for image-guided-therapy of cancer local chemotherapy.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):869-879
pages 869-879 views

Electrically Controlled Dimensionality of Magnetic Systems in Organic Materials

Sakurai Y., Matsumoto D., Marumoto K.


Electrically controlling charge density in materials using electronic device structures shows various interesting phenomena, such as electrically induced ferromagnetism and superconductivity, owing to strong charge interactions. However, electrically controlled dimensionality of magnetic systems has not yet been fully investigated. Here we report electrically controlled magnetic interactions and dimensionality of magnetic systems in organic materials from a microscopic viewpoint, which were revealed by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy using ionic liquid-gated devices. The ESR investigation demonstrated that the magnetic systems’ dimensionality of electrically accumulated charges varied from zero dimensional to two dimensional in a regioregular polymer, regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (RR-P3HT), by increasing charge densities. This phenomenon is in contrast to those in a small molecule pentacene and a regiorandom polymer, regiorandom poly(3-hexylthiophene) (RRa-P3HT), where it varied from zero to three dimensional when their charge densities increased. Moreover, the formation of the complete spinless states of electrically induced charges was observed. Our investigation demonstrates the novel magnetic systems based on electrically induced charges.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):767-782
pages 767-782 views

Local Structural Modification of Ca2+-Depleted Photosystem II Detected by Proton Matrix ENDOR

Nagashima H., Mino H.


Angular dependence of the proton matrix electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra was investigated in the oriented Ca2+-depleted Photosystem II (PS II). Six pairs of the proton signals have been previously detected in the untreated PS II and one of the six pairs has been disappeared in the Ca2+-depleted PS II (Nagashima and Mino, J Biol Chem 290:28166–28174, 2015), where the proton signals with 4 MHz separation were lost and assigned to the proton closest to the terminal Mn, labeled as Mn4 in the Mn cluster. In the oriented Ca2+-depleted PS II, the proton signal with 4 MHz separation was disappeared when the external magnetic field is parallel to the membrane normal n (θ = 0°). A pair of broad ENDOR signals with 1.4–2.0 MHz hyperfine coupling was detected in the oriented Ca2+-depleted PS II at θ = 90°. These results indicate the Ca2+-depletion derives the rearrangement of the hydrogen bonding of the water molecule surrounded Mn cluster.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):803-812
pages 803-812 views

Genotoxic Responses of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption Rate and Mitochondrial Semiquinone Radicals in Tumor Cells

Yamamoto K., Yasui H., Bo T., Yamamori T., Hiraoka W., Yamasaki T., Yamada K., Inanami O.


Our recent report demonstrated that genotoxic stimuli enhance mitochondrial energy metabolism in various tumor cell lines. However, the mitochondrial response against genotoxic stimuli has not been fully elucidated. In this study, to investigate mitochondrial functions in X-irradiated cells, the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in human cervical adenocarcinoma HeLa cells was examined by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy with lithium 5,9,14,18,23,27,32,36-octa-n-butoxy-2,3-naphthalocyanine. ESR oximetry demonstrated that basal respiration, ATP-linked respiration, proton leak, maximal respiration, and reserve capacity increased in HeLa cells 24 h after X-irradiation. However, a flow cytometric analysis using MitoTracker Green showed that mitochondrial mass also increased following X-irradiation. When the OCR was standardized to the mitochondria membrane mass, the radiation-induced increases in the respiratory parameters disappeared. This finding indicated that the radiation-induced increase in cellular OCR was explained by an increase in mitochondrial mass but not by the activation of mitochondrial respiratory-related enzymes. In addition, mitochondrial semiquinone radicals at g = 2.004 were detected by low-temperature (110 K) ESR spectroscopy. The ESR signal intensity of semiquinone radicals was enhanced by X-irradiation, suggesting an increase in the electron flow in the electron transport chain. These data will be important to understand the mechanism of radio-sensitization by mitochondria-targeting reagents in tumor cells.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):837-851
pages 837-851 views

Application of a Stopped-Flow EPR Method for the Detection of Short-Lived Flavonoid Semiquinone Radicals Produced by Oxidation Using 15N-Labeled Nitrosodisulfonate Radical (Fremy’s Salt)

Kuwabara K., Sakurai Y., Sanuki H., Morimoto C., Li Y., Miyake Y., Kanaori K., Tajima K.


A stopped-flow-electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method was applied for the detection of short-lived radicals of flavonoids bearing a catechol moiety as the B-ring, such as flavonols (quercetin, fisetin, and rutin), flavanones (eriodictyol and taxifolin), flavanols (catechin and epicatechin), and flavone (luteolin). 15N-labeled sodium salt of nitrosodisulfonate (15NDS) was employed to obtain the highly resolved EPR hyperfine structure (hfs) of flavonoid-derived semiquinone radicals under stoichiometrically regulated reaction conditions in aqueous media (pH 10). The EPR hfs of these flavonoids radicals, except catechin and epicatechin, were recorded. Based on the g value and the proton hyperfine coupling constants (hfcc), these flavonoid-derived radicals were assigned to be semiquinone radicals of the catechol moiety (B-ring). For example, the observed EPR hyperfine structure (hfs) of the luteolin radical (Lut−·) was composed of four sets of doublet splitting, which could be ascribed to the three protons of the B-ring (a2′ = 0.136, a5′ = 0.102, and a6′ = 0.272 mT) and a vinyl proton of the C-ring (a3 = 0.099 mT). In addition, the characteristically small doublet splitting resolved for the fisetin anion radical (Fis−·, 0.028 mT) was assigned to the aromatic proton at the C5 carbon of the A-ring, indicating that the unpaired electron of the radials was partially delocalized onto the A-ring through the π bonds involved in the vinyl-carbonyl moiety of the C-ring. The hfcc of the methine protons at the C2 carbon of taxifolin and eriodictyol-derived radicals (Tax−· and Eri−·) was, respectively, evaluated to be 0.102 and 0.230 mT. The assignment of the proton hfcc of flavonoid-derived semiquinone radicals will be discussed in relation with the molecular structure of the C-ring.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):911-924
pages 911-924 views

Measurements for Addition Reaction Rate Constants of Organic Free Radicals to Maleic Anhydride by Means of Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy with Laser Excitation

Takahashi H., Hagiwara K., Kawai A.


Addition reaction of photo-generated organic radicals to maleic anhydride (MA), that is a common monomer in polymerization, was studied by time-resolved (TR)- and pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic methods. The radicals examined are 2-hydroxypropyl (2Hy-Pr), diphenylphosphine oxide (DPPO) and hydroxycyclohexyl (Hy-CyH). Analysis of TR-EPR spectra gave the structures of adduct radicals. The addition rate constants of the radicals generated by the photolysis of initiators were measured by electron spin echo detection method. It was found that the addition reaction rate constants of 2Hy-Pr, DPPO and Hy-CyH radicals to MA show exceptionally smaller values than those estimated by the theoretical reaction model based on enthalpy and polar effects.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):813-824
pages 813-824 views

Solvation and Rotational Diffusion of Solutes in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids as Studied by EPR Spectroscopy with Nitroxide Spin Probing Method

Miyake Y., Kawai A.


In this article, we briefly introduced our studies on solvation and rotational diffusion of solutes in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) by electron paramagnetic resonance with nitroxide spin probing method. Most of the rotational correlation times for the nitroxide radicals are within the range calculated on the basis of Stokes–Einstein–Debye hydrodynamic theory with stick and slip boundary conditions or Gierer–Wirtz theory except for smaller solutes in some RTILs with smaller BF4 and PF6 anions. In RTILs with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium as cation and BF4 or PF6 as anion, nitroxide radicals undergo rotational diffusion like supercooled liquids and nitroxide radical with smaller volume rotationally slips.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):825-835
pages 825-835 views

Double Quantum Coherence EPR Reveals the Structure–Function Relationships of the Cardiac Troponin C–Troponin I Complex Regulated by Ca2+ Ions and a Phosphomimetic

Abe J., Ueki S., Yamauchi S., Arata T., Ohba Y.


Troponin (Tn) is a protein that consists of three subunits, troponin C (TnC), troponin I (TnI), and troponin T (TnT), and Tn controls cardiac muscle contraction by calcium ion binding and phosphorylation. The Ca2+-binding site is the E–F hand motif (C helix–loop–D helix) in the N-terminal domain of TnC, and the structural transition induced by Ca2+ is the opening of these helices and the interaction with TnI, probably at the A and B helices. In this paper, we studied structural changes in the TnC–TnI binary complex on Ca2+ binding by double quantum coherence (DQC) distance measurements. We used a binary complex of the cardiac troponin C and I (cTnC and cTnI) complexes, chose four positions of nitroxide spin label at helices A, B, C, and D in the N-terminal domain and chose the E helix in the C-terminal domain as the reference position to study the structural changes on Ca2+ addition. The label positions were (A22C/S98C), (M47C/S98C), (Q58C/S98C), and (C84/S98C) for the A, B, C, and D helices, respectively. The effects of phosphorylation of the cardiac-specific N-terminal region of cTnI were studied using a phosphomimetic cTnI mutant. Analysis of the modulation of the DQC echo signals provided the distribution of the spin–spin distance. The distances averaged over the distribution showed that the labels on the A, B, and C helices decreased, i.e., moved to the E helix, on Ca2+ binding, while the distance of the label on the D helix showed almost no change. Shoulders and/or small separate peaks were observed in the shape of the distribution and were analyzed as the sum of a few Gaussian functions. The Gaussian functions were grouped into two components, components 1 and 2, at the longer and shorter distances, respectively, separated by 0.7–1.5 nm. The fractions of component 2 were ca. 0.1–0.2 in the Ca2+-free state and increased by 0.2–0.3 on Ca2+ addition, suggesting that the increase in component 2 is related to physiological control of cardiac muscle contraction. The phosphomimetic-modification effects on the Ca2+-induced changes of the fraction of components and the distances of the C- and D-helix labels are small. On the other hand, in the A and B helices, there are significant effects on the Ca2+-induced changes in the distances of the components. The different behaviors of A/B and C/D helices support the current model of the phosphorylation effects in which both N-terminal region and regulatory domain of cTnI interact with the A and B helices of cTnC.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):893-910
pages 893-910 views

Irradiation of Phenolic Compounds with Ultraviolet Light Causes Release of Hydrated Electrons

Okazaki S., Takeshita K.


Phenolic compounds are widely used for a number of purposes, including medical drugs, cosmetics, food additives, and supplementary foods, and are often exposed to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. We herein examined free radicals produced from phenolic compounds by UV irradiation using an electron paramagnetic resonance (ESR)-spin trapping technique with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The ESR signals of DMPO adducts of the hydrogen radical (DMPO–H) and hydroxyl radical were detected following the UV irradiation of polyhydric phenols, such as hydroquinone, catechol, resorcinol, pyrogallol, and methyl gallate, in an aqueous solution. Radical adducts were not detected in monohydric phenols, such as phenol and methylparaben. The signal intensity of DMPO–H became stronger as the concentration of phenolic compounds increased. The signal intensity of DMPO–H decreased when the solution in which air was replaced with N2O, a scavenger of hydrated electrons, was irradiated. However, sodium formate, a scavenger of the hydrogen radical, did not affect the signal intensity of DMPO–H. The signal intensity of DMPO–H became stronger as the pH of the solution increased. Semiquinone-type radicals increased following the UV irradiation of solutions of polyhydric phenols in the absence of DMPO. These results indicate that hydrated electrons are generated by the UV irradiation of polyhydric phenols, and that phenoxide ions are responsible for the production of hydrated electrons.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):881-892
pages 881-892 views

Original Article

Development of Very-Low-Temperature Millimeter-Wave Electron-Spin-Resonance Measurement System

Fujii Y., Ishikawa Y., Ohya K., Miura S., Koizumi Y., Fukuda A., Omija T., Mitsudo S., Mizusaki T., Matsubara A., Yamamori H., Komori T., Morimoto K., Kikuchi H.


We report the development of a millimeter-wave electron-spin-resonance (ESR) measurement system at the University of Fukui using a 3He/4He dilution refrigerator to reach temperatures below 1 K. The system operates in the frequency range of 125–130 GHz, with a homodyne detection. A nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) measurement system was also developed in this system as the extension for millimeter-wave ESR/NMR double magnetic-resonance (DoMR) experiments. Several types of Fabry–Pérot-type resonators (FPR) have been developed: A piezo actuator attached to an FPR enables an electric tuning of cavity frequency. A flat mirror of an FPR has been fabricated using a gold thin film aiming for DoMR. ESR signal was measured down to 0.09 K. Results of ESR measurements of an organic radical crystal and phosphorous-doped silicon are presented. The NMR signal from 1H contained in the resonator is also detected successfully as a test for DoMR.

Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):783-801
pages 783-801 views


Recent Developments in Electron Spin Science and Technology in Japan

Nakamura T., Ikoma T., Yamada K.
Applied Magnetic Resonance. 2018;49(8):755-756
pages 755-756 views

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