Biomechanical assessment of the support ability of the lower limbs in patients with fractures of the bones of the lower leg in the treatment of transosseous osteosynthesis





In 17 patients with diaphyseal shin fractures treated by transosseous osteosynthesis the weight bearing ability was studied at standing and walking. Immediately after transosseous osteosynthesis in all patients the weight bearing was shown to be present both at standing and at walking with crutches. Then the weight bearing load on the operated limb at standing was increased to a greater degree compared to the duration of weight bearing on the operated limb at walking. By the end of fixation period the load of weight bearing on the operated limb at standing was almost normal, but the time of weight bearing on the operated limb remained 1.6 times below the norm. The stages of weight bearing ability were distinguished as following: I-st stage - adaptation (immediately after operation up to 1.5 months), ІІ-nd stage -stabilization (from 1.5 months to the end of fixation period). The period from 1.5 months ±0.2 months after operation was conditionally defined as the beginning of weight bearing ability.


M. Negreeva

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Scientific Center for Reconstructive and Reconstructive Surgery, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Irkutsk

L. Solomin

Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Scientific Center for Reconstructive and Reconstructive Surgery, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Irkutsk


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2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of static support ability of the operated limb during treatment by transosseous osteosynthesis. The dotted line indicates the boundaries of normal values. On the abscissa axis — the duration of the fixation period (in months), PR — transosseous osteosynthesis; along the ordinate axis - the magnitude of the load (in%). 1 — load on the operated limb in the main stance (average for the study group); 2 - individual load indicators in the main rack (light "corridor"); 3 - maximum load on the operated limb during functional tests.

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3. Fig. 2. Dynamics of the duration of the single-support period of the step of the operated limb when moving patients with the help of crutches (1) and without crutches (2). The dotted line indicates the boundaries of normal values. On the abscissa axis — the duration of the fixation period (in months), PR — transosseous osteosynthesis; along the y-axis, the duration of support periods (in %).

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4. Fig. 3. Dynamics of the asymmetry of the support of the lower extremities when standing (1) and walking with the help of crutches (2) and without crutches (3). The dotted line indicates the boundary of functional asymmetry. On the abscissa axis — the duration of the fixation period (in months), PR — transosseous osteosynthesis; along the y-axis — asymmetry of support of the lower extremities (in %).

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