Anatomic and Functional Characteristics of Muscles at Transosseous Distraction Osteosynthesis (clinics, experiment - facts, hypothesis)

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Analysis of clinical and experimental data related to biomechanical, functional and morpholo­gical changes of skeletal muscles in surgical crus lengthening by transosseous distraction osteo­synthesis was presented. It was electrophysiological proved that muscle activity decreased starting from the first days of lengthening while muscle tonus significantly increased. Sonography showed that muscle bands reoriented parallel to distraction forces. In fixation period local thickening of muscle bands was detected. After device removal muscle structure and muscle conractivity of the lengthened segment restored. Morphological studies showed that during dis­traction the volumetrical density of connective tissue in muscles increased and simultaneously destruction and reparative regeneration of muscle fibers were noticed. It was shown that after single-step compression of bone regenerate, stroma-parenchyma relationship was shifted to parenchyma. Active training of muscles was stipulated because inner tension of the muscles prevented the development of destructive processes, stimulated regeneration of muscles fibers. All those processes made up the base for functional rehabilitation of loco-motor system both in patients with orthopaedic pathology and in healthy subjects at surgical increasing of height with cosmetic purpose.

About the authors

A. V Popkov

Российский научный центр «Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия» им. Г.А. Илизарова

L. A Grebenyuk

Российский научный центр «Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия» им. Г.А. Илизарова

G. N Filimonova

Российский научный центр «Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия» им. Г.А. Илизарова

D. A Popkov

Российский научный центр «Восстановительная травматология и ортопедия» им. Г.А. Илизарова


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