Errors in Graft Placement at Arthroscopic Reconstruction of Knee Anterior Cruciate Ligament

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Study included 168 patients (31 women and 138 men, aged 17-47 years) to whom anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) autoplasty was performed during the period from 1996 to 2003. Kits of mechanical instruments with metric and calibration scales were used for ACL reconstruction. In 150 patients ACL reconstruction was performed using patellar ligament with 2 bone blocks, in 19 patients using tendons of semitendinous and gracilis muscles on the affected side. Formation of the axes for tibial and femoral channels was based on 5 criteria. Analysis of postoperative knee joint X-rays of 132 patients (73%) detected graft location disturbance in 46 patients (37%). Assessment by Lysholm scale showed 24.1% (27 patients) of satisfactory and poor results. By IKDC form 1995 the share of C and D groups increased up to 34.8% (39 patients).

About the authors

S P Mironov


акад. РАН и РАМН, доктор мед. наук, директор ЦИТО; ЦИТО

Mikhail Petrovich Lisitsyn


канд. мед. наук, доцент кафедры эндоскопической хирургии ФПДО МГМСУ. Тел.: (495) 743-45-84; МГМСУ

S P Mironov

M P Lisitsyn


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