Peculiarities of the Emotions Manifestation by 7–8 Old Children in Speech and Facial Expressions



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The purpose of the research was to study the characteristics of the reflection of emotional states “neutral (calm state) –– sadness –– joy – anger – fear” in the speech and facial expressions of children 7–8 years old and to identify differences in the expression of emotions by boys and girls of this age. The work was carried out as part of a study of the emotional sphere of children with typical and atypical development using the CEDM method for assessing the emotional development of children. 14 children (7 boys, 7 girls) – primary school students – took part in the study. The ability of children to reflect emotions in the characteristics of voice and facial expressions and to recognize emotions was analyzed. For this purpose, speech recording and video recording of children’s facial expressions and behavior, instrumental and perceptual analysis of emotional speech, and automatic analysis of facial expression were carried out. The children’s heart rate was recorded, and the dominant hemisphere was determined by speech using a dichotic test. The features of the reflection of the emotional states of boys and girls in the characteristics of speech are revealed. The specificity of reflecting the emotional states of children in facial expression is described. The connections between the psychophysiological indicators of children and their reflection of emotional states in their voice and facial expressions were determined.

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Sobre autores

E. Kleshnev

Saint-Petersburg State University

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Rússia, Saint Petersburg

O. Frolova

Saint-Petersburg State University

Rússia, Saint Petersburg

E. Lyakso

Saint-Petersburg State University

Rússia, Saint Petersburg


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Arquivos suplementares

Arquivos suplementares
2. Fig. 1. The program "FaceReader 8v." is a mimic expression of a state of joy (a boy of 8 years old).

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3. Fig. 2. The values of the frequency of the basic tone of the "acting" speech of boys and girls in emotional states – neutral, sadness, joy, anger, fear. Emotional states are marked on the horizontal axis, values of F0, Hz are marked on the vertical axis. Columns m are values of F0 for boys, columns f are values of F0 for girls. *** ‒ p < 0.001 – Mann–Whitney criterion, differences between boys and girls.

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4. Fig. 3. The frequency of emotions in children's facial expressions. Emotional states are indicated along the horizontal axis, and the frequency of emotion in the child's facial expressions is indicated along the vertical axis. Columns m are the frequency of emotion in boys, columns f are the frequency of emotion in girls. * ‒ p < 0.05 – Mann–Whitney criterion, differences between boys and girls.

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