
Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


The study is an addition to a series of articles on the results of monitoring studies on the impact of tectonic knots on the state of the environment in the region. The knots of tectonic dislocations are a link between the abiotic (geological) and biotic environments, and have a significant impact on the state of vegetation cover, both at the macro and micro levels. This article shows the regularity of the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in blueberries and cowberries, depending on their spatial location within the tectonic knot. It was revealed that the concentrations of vitamin C in berries selected in the center and on the periphery of tectonic knots differ. For example, its content in blueberries from the center of the Kholmogory tectonic knot is 37% higher than in berries from the periphery of the same knot. In the fruits of blueberries from the center of the Plesetsk tectonic knot – by 59%, and in cowberries – by 62% more, compared with the periphery. In the fruits of cowberries from the center of the Velsko-Ustyansky tectonic knot – 58% more. These knots differ from each other in geomorphometric, geological, tectonic factors, etc., which allows us to conclude that deep factors influence the state of the environment in general and the concentration of vitamin C in blueberries and cowberries in particular.

Авторлар туралы

V. Staritsyn

Laverov Federal Center for the Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 163012 , Arkhangelsk, Nikolskii pr. 20

Yu. Kutinov

Laverov Federal Center for the Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 163012 , Arkhangelsk, Nikolskii pr. 20

E. Polyakova

Laverov Federal Center for the Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Russia, 163012 , Arkhangelsk, Nikolskii pr. 20

Z. Chistova

Laverov Federal Center for the Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 163012 , Arkhangelsk, Nikolskii pr. 20

A. Mineev

Laverov Federal Center for the Integrated Arctic Research, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 163012 , Arkhangelsk, Nikolskii pr. 20

Әдебиет тізімі

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  5. Gofarov, M.Yu., Bolotov, I.N., Kutinov, Yu.G. Landshafty Belomorsko-Kuloiskogo plato: tektonika, podstilayushchie porody, rel’ef i rastitel’nyi pokrov [Landscapes of the Belomorsko-Kuloi plateau: tectonics, underlying rocks, relief and vegetation]. Yekaterinburg, UrO RAN, 2006, 158 p. (in Russian)
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  7. Kutinov, Yu.G., Belenovich, T.Ya., Chistova, Z.B. Diskretnost’ zemnoi kory, energoemkost' blokov i seismichnost' Evropeiskogo Severa Rossii [Discreteness of the Earth’s crust, energy intensity of blocks, and seismicity of the European North of Russia]. Vestnik geonauk, 2021, vol. 11 (323), pp. 16–24. (in Russian)
  8. Kutinov, Yu.G., Mineev, A.L., Polyakova, E.V., Chistova, Z.B. Vybor bazovoi tsifrovoi modeli rel’efa (TsMR) ravninnykh territorii Severa Evrazii i ee podgotovka dlya geologicheskogo raionirovaniya (na primere Arkhangel’skoi oblasti) [Choice of a basic digital elevation model (DEM) of the plain territories of the North of Eurasia and its preparation for geological zoning (on the example of the Arkhangelsk region)]. Penza, Sotsiosfera, 2019, 176 p. (in Russian)
  9. Kutinov, Yu.G. Sovremennyi geodinamicheskii rezhim Arkticheskogo segmenta zemnoi kory i neftegazoobrazovanie [Modern geodynamic regime of the Arctic segment of the Earth’s crust and oil and gas formation]. Penza, Sotsiosfera, 2021, 281 p. (in Russian)
  10. Kutinov, Yu.G., Chistova, Z.B., Gofarov, M.Yu., Mineev, A.L. Sovremennaya tektonicheskaya aktivnost' Kandalakshskogo grabena po kompleksu dannykh [Modern tectonic activity of the Kandalaksha´s graben according to the data set]. Vestnik SAFU. Ser. Estestvennye nauki, 2013, no. 4, pp. 21–29. (in Russian)
  11. Kutinov, Yu.G., Chistova, Z.B., Neverov, N.A. Novye dannye o vliyanii tektonicheskikh uzlov na sostoyanie okruzhayushchei sredy na severe Russkoi plity [New data on the impact of tectonic knots on the state of the environment in the north of the Russian Plate]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 5. Geografiya, 2020, no. 5, pp. 12–24. (in Russian)
  12. Kutinov, Yu.G., Chistova, Z.B. Kompleksnaya model' protsessov mezhgeosfernogo vzaimodeistviya v tektonicheskikh uzlakh Severa Russkoi plity [Complex model of processes of intergeospheric interaction in tectonic knots of the North of the Russian plate]. Al’manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya, 2012, vol. 1 (1). URL: (data obrashcheniya 05.12.2022). (in Russian)
  13. Kutinov, Yu.G., Chistova, Z.B., Polyakova, E.V., Mineev, A.L. Tsifrovoe modelirovanie rel’efa dlya prognoza ploshchadei perspektivnykh na neft' i almazy [Digital elevation modeling for forecasting areas promising for oil and diamonds]. Aktual’nye problemy nefti i gaza, 2019, vol. 1 (24). (in Russian)
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© В.В. Старицын, Ю.Г. Кутинов, Е.В. Полякова, З.Б. Чистова, А.Л. Минеев, 2023

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