Volume 30, Nº 1 (2022)


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70 years of Naum Samuilovich Ginzburg

Ryskin N.


Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):5-6
pages 5-6 views

Generalized Rabinovich-Fabrikant system: equations and its dynamics

Kuznetsov S., Turukina L.


The purpose of this work is to numerically study of the generalized Rabinovich–Fabrikant model. This model is obtained using the Lagrange formalism and describing the three-mode interaction in the presence of a general cubic nonlinearity. The model demonstrates very rich dynamics due to the presence of third-order nonlinearity in the equations. Methods. The study is based on the numerical solution of the obtained analytically differential equations, and their numerical bifurcation analysis using the MаtCont program. Results. For the generalized model we present a charts of dynamic regimes in the control parameter plane, Lyapunov exponents depending on parameters, portraits of attractors and their basins. On the plane of control parameters, bifurcation lines and points are numerically found. They are plotted for equilibrium point and period one limit cycle. It is shown that the dynamics of the generalized model depends on the signature of the characteristic expressions presented in the equations. A comparison with the dynamics of the Rabinovich– Fabrikant model is carried out. We indicated a region in the parameter plane in which there is a complete or partial coincidence of dynamics. Conclusion. The generalized model is new and describes the interaction of three modes, in the case when the cubic nonlinearity that determines their interaction is given in a general form. In addition, since the considered model is a certain natural extension of the well-known Rabinovich–Fabrikant model, then it is universal. And it can simulate systems of various physical nature (including radio engineering), in which there is a three-mode interaction and there is a general cubic nonlinearity
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):7-29
pages 7-29 views

New Lagrangian view of vorticity evolution in two-dimensional flows of liquid and gas

Sizykh G.


Purpose of the study is to obtain formulas for such a speed of imaginary particles that the circulation of the speed of a (real) fluid along any circuit consisting of these imaginary particles changes (in the process of motion of imaginary particles) according to a given time law. (Until now, only those speeds of imaginary particles were known, at which the mentioned circulation during the motion remained unchanged). Method. Without implementation of asymptotic, numerical and other approximate methods, a rigorous analysis of the dynamic equation of motion (flow) of any continuous fluid medium, from an ideal liquid to a viscous gas, is carried out. Plane-parallel and nonswirling axisymmetric flows are considered. The concept of motion of imaginary particles is used, based on the K. Zoravsky criterion (which is also called A. A. Fridman’s theorem). Results. Formulas for the speed of imaginary particles are proposed. These formulas include the parameters of the (real) flow, their spatial derivatives and the function of time, which determines the law of the change in time of the (real fluid) velocity circulation along the contours moving together with the imaginary particles. In addition, it turned out that for a given function of time (and, as a consequence, for a given law of change in circulation with respect to time), the speed of imaginary particles is determined ambiguously. As a result, a method is proposed to change the speed and direction of motion of imaginary particles in a certain range (while maintaining the selected law of changes in circulation in time). For a viscous incompressible fluid, formulas are proposed that do not include pressure and its derivatives. Conclusion. A new Lagrangian point of view on the vorticity evolution in two-dimensional flows of fluids of all types is proposed. Formulas are obtained for the velocity of such movement of contours, at which the real fluid velocity circulation along any contour changes according to a given time law. This theoretical result can be used in computational fluid dynamics to limit the number of domains when using a gridless method for calculating flows of a viscous incompressible fluid (the method of viscous vortex domains).
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):30-36
pages 30-36 views

Correlation of attracting sets of tool deformations with spatial orientation of tool elasticity and regeneration of cutting forces in turning

Zakovorotny V., Gvindjiliya V.


Nowadays, the dynamic cutting system is represented in the form of two subsystems — tool and workpiece, interacting through a nonlinear relationship formed by the cutting process. Such a representation determines the importance of studying the dynamics of the cutting process as the main factor influencing the efficiency of machines, the trajectories of the executive elements of which are set by CNC and are provided with high accuracy. However, in order to improve the efficiency of cutting, it is necessary to align the trajectories of the executive elements are defined by CNC with the changing dynamics of cutting, which introduces deviations in the program-defined trajectories. Purpose of this article is to consider the dependence of the dynamics of the cutting process on the spatial orientation of the cutting tool elasticity and the regenerative effect, and to find out the effect of the proposed dependence on the efficiency of the cutting process. All the issues discussed in the article are analyzed using the example of external shaft turning. Methods. The study is based on the methods of mathematical modeling and experimental dynamics. In contrast to the known studies, the dependence of the turnover lag time on the oscillatory displacements in the direction of the cutting speed, as well as the influence of the positive feedback formed in this case, is taken into account. In addition, changes in the sign of the internal feedback from the direction of deformations, as well as the influence of the regenerative effect on the generated attracting sets of deformations are taken into account. Results. Dependence of the system evolution on the elements of the stiffness matrix at different spindle speeds is disclosed. The properties of the system evolution depending on the ratio of the spindle rotation frequency and the eigenfrequencies of the tool subsystem, as well as the spatial distribution of the stiffness are studied. Conclusion. The frequency and time characteristics of the system are discussed. Conclusion is made about the possibility of efficiency increasing of the cutting process based on the coordination of the CNC program with the dynamic properties of the system.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):37-56
pages 37-56 views

Influence of «sensory prehistory» on the ambiguous stimuli processing in the human brain

Kuc A., Maksimenko V., Hramov A.


Purpose of this work is to study the effect of previous sensory information on the brain’s processing of current visual stimuli. Bistable images (Necker cubes) with a high degree of ambiguity (HA) and a low degree of ambiguity (LA) were used as visual stimuli. Methods. In this paper, we used wavelets to identify features of the brain activity signals. A multivariate analysis of variance was used to compare behavioral characteristics. Spectral power and event-related spectral perturbations were compared via a cluster-based permutation test using the FieldTrip package for Matlab. Results. We found that when the HA stimuli followed the LA stimuli, the activity of neurons in the sensory areas decreased in the early processing stage but increased in the later stages. This result confirmed the hierarchical organization of processing, where the low levels processed the details of the stimulus, and the high levels represented its interpretation. We supposed that processing of HA and LA stimuli was similar at low levels due to their similar morphology. Therefore, the brain might use the LA stimulus template at low levels to reduce the demands when processing the details of the HA stimulus. When the LA stimulus followed the HA stimulus, a weakened response in the sensory regions accompanied a high response in the frontal cortex. It reflected activation of the top-down cognitive functions, detecting a mismatch between the LA stimulus and the HA stimulus template. Conclusion. These results expanded the existing knowledge about the sensory processing mechanisms.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):57-75
pages 57-75 views

Revealing the neural network underlying covert picture-naming paradigm using magnetoencephalography

Chholak P., Tabari F., Pisarchik A.


The ability to name trivial everyday objects is a key cognitive function that is tested after head injuries or brain surgeries. Although quite a lot of long-standing knowledge on this topic has accumulated over the past few decades and many theoretical models have been created, the underlying neural substrate and brain functioning are still not fully aligned. As far as we know, there have been no studies on this topic using magnetoencephalography (MEG), which allows recording electrophysiological activity with a high temporal resolution. Therefore, to study the underlying spatio-temporal brain activations during the sensory and semantic processing of object naming, we conducted MEG experiments with 15 subjects grouped into three equal-sized groups with different types of language training and skills. Using boundary element methods for modelling cortical surfaces and dynamic statistical parametric mapping to solve the inverse problem, we reconstructed the cortical source activity from the recorded MEG data. The reconstructed cortical maps showed a homogeneous brain response in all three groups at the sensory processing stage, while the responses between the three groups at the semantic processing stage were different. In addition, average time courses were constructed for key brain regions such as the lateral occipital cortex (LO), fusiform gyrus (FG), Broca’s area (BA), and Wernicke’s area (WA). The obtained results assume unimodal forms for LO and WA time series, and bimodal forms for FG and BA. The only LO curve peak and the first FG peak resided in the time interval for the sensory processing stage, whereas, the only WA peak, the second FG peak and the second BA peak resided in the semantic processing stage. The first BA peak was located at the boundary separating the two stages. In addition to segregating regions involved in sensory and semantic processing, this study confirmed the involvement of FG in object naming (for the first time using MEG) that is at risk of resection during mesial temporal lobe epilepsy interventions. However, the results from this work are preliminary due to the limited sample size, and future research with a larger cohort of subjects are needed to verify/strengthen the findings of this study.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):76-95
pages 76-95 views

Hemodynamic response in the motor cortex to execution of different types of movements

Badarin A., Grubov V., Andreev A., Antipov V., Kurkin S.


Purpose of this work is the analysis of the hemodynamic response to the execution of various types of movements (single movement, series of movements, “tapping”) by the right hand. Methods. In this paper, the hemodynamic response was recorded using functional near infrared spectroscopy (NIRScout instrument from NIRx, Germany). The NIRScout system uses 16 optodes (8 sources and 8 detectors) to record the hemodynamic response in the cerebral cortex with a sampling rate of 7.8125 Hz. Optodes are non-invasively placed on the patient’s scalp by inserting into the sockets of a special cap “EASYCAP”. Results. We show that the total hemodynamic response in the motor cortex of the left hemisphere slightly differs between all the considered types of movement, while the severity of contralaterality demonstrates significant differences between the types of movements. Contralaterality is most pronounced when performing a series of movements, while a single squeeze of the hand causes the least contralaterality. Conclusion. The results obtained in this paper demonstrate the high sensitivity of functional near-infrared spectroscopy technology to the performance of various types of movements. It should be especially noted here short single hand squeezes, which are clearly visible on the characteristics of HbO and HbR, which can be used in the development and design of various brain – computer interfaces, including multimodal ones.
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):96-108
pages 96-108 views

Selection of spatial modes in an ensemble of non-locally coupled chaotic maps

Shabunin A.


Purpose of this work is to determine regularities of formation of spatial structures in an ensemble of chaotic systems with non-local diffusion couplings and to study how these structures depend on the wave response of the digital filter formed by the ensemble couplings structure. Methods. The study was carried out by numerical simulation of an ensemble of logistic maps, calculation of its typical oscillatory regimes and their spectral analysis. The network was considered as a digital filter with a frequency response depending on the coupling parameters. Correlation between the spatial spectra and the amplitude-frequency response of the coupling filter and the mutual coherence of oscillations when the coupling parameters change were considered. Results. The system of couplings between chaotic maps behaves like a wave filter with selective properties, allowing spatial modes with certain wavelengths to exist and suppressing others. The selection of spatial modes is based on the wave characteristic of the coupling filter, the type of which is determined by the radius and the magnitude of couplings. At strong coupling the wave characteristics for ensembles with local and non-local couplings are qualitatively different, therefore they demonstrate essencially different behavior. Discussion. Using spectral methods for dynamics analysis systems with complex network topologies seems to be a promising approach, especially for research of synchronization and multistability in ensembles of chaotic oscillators and maps. The found regularities generalize the results known for ensembles of maps with local couplings. They also can be applied to ensembles of self-sustained oscillators. 
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022;30(1):109-124
pages 109-124 views

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