The first expedition of the Academy of Sciences: the journey of Ludovic Delisle de la Croyere to the city of Arkhangel'sk and Russian Lapland in 1727−1730




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The article is devoted to the history of the first astronomical and geographical expedition (April 9, 1727–February 18, 1730), organized by the Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg and sent to the city of Arkhangel'sk (the future Arkhangel'sk received this official name in 1613) and the Russian Lapland. All work was supervised by the extraordinary professor of astronomy Louis Delisle de la Croyère (1687–1741). For the first time in the history of Russia, the latitudes of 14 settlements in the country and the longitude of Arkhangel'sk were determined using astronomical methods. In April–May 1728, Croyère was the first in the world to conduct gravimetric studies so far to the north. For three years, he conducted systematic observations of the meridional altitudes of the Sun and stars from the list of J.-N. Delisle, refraction of solar rays and northern lights, and the behavior of the magnetic needle, as well as meteorological observations.


M. Petrovskii

Geological Institute of the Federal Research Center “Kola Science Center RAS”

Apatity, Russia


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