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The article based mainly on personal reminiscences of the author presents the landmarks of the biography of Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev (1923–2017), features of his exceptional personality and his scientific achievements as the outstanding theoretical physicist known by his fundamental works on quantum many-body theory and nuclear physics. After graduation from high school in 1941, he went through the entire war in the ranks of the army. After graduation from the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, he worked at the Atomic Energy Institute and then in the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics (now Budker Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). From 1965 to 1978 he served as Rector of the Novosibirsk State University. After returning to Moscow and to the end of his life, he worked at the theory department of the Kurchatov Institute. In 1968 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His scientific achievements were highly appraised by many Russian and international prizes including the Great Gold Lomonosov Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sobre autores

V. Zelevinsky

Michigan State University, East Lansing

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: vestnik.ran@yandex.ru
USA, Michigan


  1. Беляев С.Т. Моя профессия – теоретическая физика. М.: НИЦ “Курчатовский институт”, 2013.
  2. Беляев С.Т., Будкер Г.И. Релятивистская плазма в переменных полях // Физика плазмы и проблема управляемых термоядерных реакций. Т. 2. С. 283–329. М.: Изд. АН СССР, 1958.
  3. Беляев С.Т. Применение методов квантовой теории поля к системе Бозе-частиц // ЖЭТФ. 1958. Т. 34. С. 417–432.
  4. Беляев С.Т. Энергетический спектр неидеального Бозе-газа // ЖЭТФ. 1958. Т. 34. С. 433–446.
  5. Belyaev S.T. Many-body physics and spontaneous symmetry breaking // Recent progress in many-body theories. World Scientific Publishing, 2006. P. 13–24.
  6. Belyaev S.T. The Lessons of Niels Bohr // Impact of Science on Society. 1985. № 137. Р. 39–49; Беляев С.Т. Уроки Нильса Бора // Импакт. 1986. № 1. С. 40–50.
  7. Mayer М.G., Jensen J.H.D. Elementary Theory of Nuclear Shell Structure. New York, Wiley – London, Chapman and Hall, 1955; Майер М.Г., Иенсен И.Г.Д. Элементарная теория ядерных оболочек. М.: Изд-во иностранной литературы, 1958.
  8. Belyaev S.T. Effect of pairing correlations on nuclear properties // Mat. Fys. Medd. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. 1959. V. 31. № 11.
  9. Беляев С.Т. Нуклон-фононный гамильтониан для сферических ядер // Ядерная физика. 1965. Т. 1. С. 3–12.
  10. Belyaev S.T. Collective Excitations in Nuclei. In: Series “Documents on Modern Physics”. N.Y.: Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, 1968.
  11. Беляев С.Т., Зелевинский В.Г. Нильс Бор и физика атомного ядра // УФН. 1985. Т. 147. С. 210–251.
  12. Belyaev S.T., Budker G.I. Popov S.G. The possibility of using storage rings with internal thin targets // High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure. N.Y.: Plenum Press, 1970.
  13. Barabanov A.L., Belyaev S.T. Bulk effects in the coherent inelastic scattering of ultracold neutrons // European Physical Journal A. 2006. V. 27. P. 105–127.
  14. Belyaev S.T. Decision process foillowed by the USSR up to 1991 and analysis of the main restoration activities // Nuclear safety and environment, DG Environment of the European Commission. Brussels, 2000.
  15. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H.V., Belyaev S.T. et al. Latest results from the Heidelberg-Moscow double beta decay experiment // European Physical Journal A. 2001. V. 12. P. 147–154.
  16. Biancacci V. and GERDA collaboration. The GERDA experiment in the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay // Moscow University Physics Bulletin. 2022. V. 77. P. 359–362.
  17. Беляев С.Т. Что стимулирует развитие теоретической физики. Доклад лауреата Большой золотой медали имени М.В. Ломоносова 2010 года // Вестник РАН. 2011. № 10. С. 900–907.

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