Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77 - 67137 от 16.09.2016

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Panchenko Vladislav Yakovlevich

Number of issues per year: 12

Indexation: White list (1st level), Higher Attestation Commission list, RISC

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Vol 94, No 5 (2024)

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Studying the history of the RAS in the year of its 300th anniversary
Makarov N.A.
Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):405-407
pages 405-407 views
The main milestones in the history of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad (1724−1934)
Tunkina I.V.

The article briefly examines 210-year history of the creation, formation and development of the highest scientific institution of Russia, while being on the banks of the Neva River. During that time, it repeatedly changed its name: Academy of Sciences and Arts (1724−1803), Imperial Academy of Sciences (1803-1836), Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1936−1914), Imperial Academy of Sciences (1914-1917), Russian Academy of Sciences (1917−1925), and Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925−1991). The article is based on the scientific report delivered at the meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on January 30, 2024.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):408-419
pages 408-419 views
The Academy and the Kunstkamera: The first experiences in self-knowledge of the Empire
Golovnev A.V.

The experience of creating and exploring the Russian Empire belongs to Peter I, who had the qualities of a researcher and experimenter, and all institutions involved in the study of Russia, including the Kunstkamera and the Academy of Sciences, were his projects (the word “project” entered the Russian lexicon under Peter). At the end of the Northern War, Russia, in the person of its emperor, became interested in itself at a new geopolitical level, sending expeditions to explore and cartograph the southern, northern and eastern borders of the country. The continuation of the self-knowledge of the empire was the unprecedented Second Kamchatka, or Great Northern Expedition (1733–1743). Among its results was not only the compilation of maps (more than 60) of the empire and a description of its remote regions (Siberia, Kamchatka), but also the birth of a secular “fashion for peoples”, expressed in the “procession of peoples” during the amusing “Ice Wedding” (1740), in the preparation of which the Academy and the Kunstkamera took an active part. A breakthrough in self-research of Russia during the Enlightenment era was the Physical (Academic) expeditions of 1768–1774, which brought the birth of the science of ethnography (narodovedenie, Völkerkunde) and the formation of the national (imperial) idea of Russia as a country abundant and rich in peoples.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):420-428
pages 420-428 views
The Soviet experience of achieving the technical & economic independence of the country
Poberezhnikov I.V., Artemov E.T.

Today, one of the main tasks facing the country is to ensure its technological sovereignty. In the Soviet Union, a similar task (achieving the technical & economic independence) was successfully solved during the 1930s – 1960s. Of course, in the current conditions, the Soviet experience cannot serve as a basis for developing practical solutions. Nevertheless, appealing to the past would be useful due to the high inertness of institutional development; the need to understand the logic of long-term changes, the ‘rules of the game’ that have formed in the past; a certain similarity between the world economic situations then and now (a total ban imposed on the transfer of technologies critical for the development of the Soviet economy vs. sanctions pressure on the country today); similarities in the methods and mechanisms for achieving the goal – the creation and development of technologies based on their own scientific & technical capabilities.

The article examines the interaction of science, technology and production in the context of the Soviet model of late industrial modernization. The relationship between the high rates of economic growth and raising of scientific & technical activities has been substantiated, which included the large-scale researches on the entire frontline of modern science and priority attention to key guidelines of scientific & technical progress (atomic project, rocket and space program, creation of the electronics industry, computing technologies). The exceptionally important role of the Academy of Sciences in bringing the Soviet Union to the forefront of scientific and technical positions is also shown. Special attention is paid to the interaction of science and production, the problem of technological transfer from defense industry sectors to civilian ones. The reasons for the slowdown in the pace of scientific & technical progress are indicated, which led to the loss of the bygone dynamism of the Soviet economy, which ultimately turned into its crisis.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):429-439
pages 429-439 views


The state of pediatric cardiology and infant mortality in the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2022
Golukhova E.Z., Kim A.I., Chernogrivov A.E., Semenov V.Y., Zavalikhina T.V., Nefedova I.E., Dontsova V.I., Shakhnazaryan E.A.

The article analyzes the number of pediatric cardiologists in the subjects of the Russian Federation, the routing procedures for patients with congenital heart defects and the relationship of these factors with the infant mortality rate. In our country, the specialty of a pediatric cardiologist is updated, and the provision of doctors for the child population is quite high compared to other countries. Nevertheless, the uneven distribution of doctors by subjects may provoke an undesirable increase in infant mortality in them. To improve the situation in problem regions, it is necessary to strengthen the appropriate staffing, improve the regulatory framework for routing patients locally, and also check the effectiveness of medical care.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):440-448
pages 440-448 views


Unfulfilled water impact forecasts, plans and projects
Koronkevich N.I., Barabanova E.A., Zaitseva I.S., Chernogaeva G.M.

The article presents a retrospective review of some forecasts, plans and projects of anthropogenic impact on water resources that did not materialize, were not implemented by the planned date or were incomplete. Values of full (water intake) and irrevocable water consumption for 2000, predicted in the 1960s and 1970s by well-known domestic and foreign researchers, are compared with the actual water consumption in 2000 in the world, the USA, and our country. It is shown that most of water consumption forecast parameters turned out to be significantly higher than the actual one, which gives reason to consider these forecasts were not borne out. In the Water Strategy of the Russian Federation, developed in 2009 for the period up to 2020, these values were also significantly overestimated (by tens of percent). Incomplete implementation of various programs did not lead to the expected significant improvement in the water quality of rivers, including the Volga, and reservoirs in Russia. Such failed projects as NAWAPA in the USA and Canada, projects of interzonal redistribution of water resources in the USSR, projects of Nizhneobskaya and Turukhanskaya (Evenkijskaya) hydroelectric power plants, partially implemented projects of Cheboksary and Nizhnekamsk hydroelectric power plants, as well as a number of others are considered. Among the main reasons for unsuccessful forecasts, unfulfilled plans and projects are the lack of reliable data, incomplete knowledge about laws of nature and society development, financial problems, environmental demands, and the dramatically changed economic and political situation.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):449-459
pages 449-459 views


Catch up and overtake − China against USA
Lavrovsky B.L.

According to the World Bank in 2016. China’s total GDP has reached the level of the United States, and in 2022. exceeded by 19,2%. But as for relative characteristics, for example, per capita GDP, in 2022. in China it was only 28.1% of the US level. With such a correlation of key socio-economic indicators, the issue of a country with number 1 status in the world acquires special interest. The main objective of this article is to identify and evaluate the processes of convergence of per capita GDP indicators of the USA and China, and try to predict their relative position in the long term. Calculations are carried out on a classical, but still relevant, model foundation. An important feature of the approach used is the consideration of exclusively investment parameters as factors of GDP growth. If the retrospective dynamics are prolonged, the leveling off of the per capita GDP of the USA and China is estimated to occur by the mid-2040s. It is also shown that in the American economy, as such, there are most likely no prerequisites that could prevent the contraction of the indicators under consideration already in the visible future. The actual pace of their convergence is determined by the state of affairs in the Chinese economy.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):460-468
pages 460-468 views


Red Army operations 1944: are they appreciated in the historical memory of Russia?
Trunov P.O.

Ten strategic offensives of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army in 1944 (“Stalin’s ten offensives”) led to the liberation of vast territories in the western part of the USSR, the beginning of the cleansing of the “brown plague” of the countries of Eastern, Southeastern and Northern Europe, and the critical weakening of the Wehrmacht itself. Nevertheless, these events have not yet received sufficient attention in the politics of Russia`s historical memory. When referring to the lists of days of military glory, hero cities, cities of military glory, as well as art cinema, it turned out that no more than half of the 10 key operations of 1944 were noted. The focus is on the campaigns of 1943, when the mass liberation of the territories of the USSR began, and 1945 when there was the final surrender of the Third Reich. Russian society perceived 1944 only as an intermediate stage, although eventful, but not so bright. It is also important that in 1944, not only the territories of the RSFSR were already liberated, but the Union`s republics located to the west, which became independent states after the collapse of the USSR.

Currently, Western policy, together with the policy of the Kiev regime, is trying to turn the coverage of the Red Army’s liberation role into a purely national agenda of Russia. The article suggests possible solutions to this problem which are the expanding the list of days of military glory due to the landmark dates of 1944 and the establishment of a day of complete liberation from Nazi occupation of each subject of the Russian Federation, as well as close coordination in this area with Belarus and Serbia.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):469-477
pages 469-477 views


The last novel of the last classic On the 125th anniversary of the birth of academician L.M. Leonov
Ovcharenko O.A.

In 2024, there are three important dates in the fate of the Russian writer academician Leonid Leonov: the 125th anniversary of his birth, the 30th anniversary of his death and the publication of his last novel “Pyramid”, work on which lasted for five decades. The Pyramid is rightly considered a novel-the testament of the writer. It examines such important issues as the existence of world evil, the future of the world and humanity, the role of the devil in world history, Russia’s place in world civilization, gnostic theories of the future of the world and man. Since The Pyramid was published in uncensored conditions, Leonov could write openly about the problems that tormented him. This property of the novel led researchers to attempts at so-called recursive reading (decoding hidden meanings) and earlier works by Leonov. In the “Pyramid” itself, there are a lot of riddles, sometimes deliberately left by the writer for future readers to think about. The article examines the main problems of the novel and by way of copost.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):478-487
pages 478-487 views
Neutron physics as a matter of life On the 90TH anniversary of the birth of academician V.A. Nazarenko
Baranov I.A., Voronin V.V., Ermakov K.N., Pirozhkov A.N., Serebrov A.P., Smolsky S.L., Fedorov V.V.

The article is devoted to the life and work of Vladimir Andreevich Nazarenko (1934–2006), a talented experimental physicist, Winner of the Lenin Prize (1974), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P. Konstantinov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1994–2006). Knight of the Order of Honor, Honorary citizen of the city of Gatchina. In addition to remarkable scientific achievements, the undoubted merit of V.A. Nazarenko is convinced that in the most difficult years for Russian science, his efforts played a decisive role in preserving the creative potential of the Institute and its leading positions in the world in many areas of scientific research. From the mid-90s to the end of his life, he was the coordinator of the RAS Physics Science Department Program “Neutron Studies of Substsnce and fundamental properties of Matter”. Having headed the project to create a research complex based on the PIK reactor, V.A. Nazarenko, with his incredible efforts, managed to give a new impetus to the construction of the PIK reactor, which determined the development of the institute and its new prospects for many years to come. As a result, the implementation of a large-scale project is now in the final stage, the authors of the article at various times worked closely with Vladimir Andreevich in various directions.

Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2024;94(5):488-496
pages 488-496 views

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