Financial Рolicy of the Serbian Рrincipality on the Еve of the Serbian-Turkish war. 1875–1876



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The article deals with the issue of financing the military training of the Serbian Principality. The author examines how the Serbian government collected funds. To realize its goals, the Principality of Serbia has legally approved a loan in the amount of 24,000,000 dinars. The Serbian government planned to implement it through forced and voluntary loans within the state, external voluntary loans from the population of other countries and through loans from commercial organizations in other countries and loans from governments. However, despite all efforts, the Serbian Principality was unable to raise all the necessary funds. Enormous support in this part of the Serbian Principality was provided by the banks of the Russian Empire, which undertook the obligation to implement the loan and issued an advance to the Serbian government.




Denis Nikiforov

MGIMO-University (Moscow State Institute of International Relations)

Moscow, Russian Federation


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