Funeral Rituals of the Vlachs in the Timok Valley. Review of the Field Research in Eastern Serbia


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The article reflects the preliminary results of the expedition of the authors to the settlements of the Zaječar and Bor districts of Serbia in the spring and summer of 2022. In total, from April to June 2022, authors visited twelve Vlach (Romanian) villages and one Serbian village. The collection of field materials was carried out mainly by the interview method. In addition, long stay in the field allowed to use the method of direct observation, being present and taking part in funerals, commemorations, etc. The most valuable information was recorded while being present at the memorial dance ora (Rom. dial. ora de pomană) in village of Aleksandrovac (Rom. Zlocutea) of Negotin municipality of Bor district and Mali Jasenovac (Rom. Mala) of Zaječar municipality of Zaječar district.

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Sobre autores

Natalia Golant

Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Russian Academy of Sciences

, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

Ivan Strutynsky

Institute of Slavic Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation.


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