The trans-system polymorbid states and their relationship with social status of patients of therapeutic clinic




The article presents result of analysis of indicator of polymorbidity in sampling of 9871 patients of therapeutic clinic of the research institute of experimental and clinical medicine (Novosibirsk)during 2003-2011. The study was carried out using archive method with statistical analysis of all nosologic forms, groups and classes of ICD-10 irrespective of particular diagnosis being main or concomitant. The gender differences of indicator trans-systemic polymorbidity during 2003-2011consisted in that in males its increasing was more dynamic than in females. The trans-systemic polymorbidity is correlated with social economic indicators considering as stressors having significant importance for its occurrence and development. These regularities are more specific for males due to direct correlation between trans-systemic polymorbidity and level of payroll salary in contrast with females. Hence, necessity to take into account impact of social economic factors on development of polymorbid pathology for improving system of secondary and tertiary prevention, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation of concomitant nosologies in patients. The development of new medical economic standards of treatment of patients with polymorbid pathology to implement principles of personified medicine is required.


Yu. Nikolaev

The research institute of experimental and clinical medicine; The Novosibirskii state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

630117, Novosibirsk, Russia

V. Shkurupiy

The research institute of experimental and clinical medicine; The Novosibirskii state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

630117, Novosibirsk, Russia

I. Mitrofanov

The research institute of experimental and clinical medicine; The Novosibirskii state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

630117, Novosibirsk, Russia

Vladimir Polyakov

The research institute of experimental and clinical medicine

MD, PhD, DSc, senior researcher of the somatic diseases pathogenesis laboratory of the medical and environmental research department 630117, Novosibirsk, Russia

N. Dolgova

The research institute of experimental and clinical medicine; The Novosibirskii national research medical university

630117, Novosibirsk, Russia


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