Vol 16, No 1 (2010)


Otsenka ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti primeneniya standartov lecheniya u bol'nykh s diafizarnymi perelomami bedra i goleni v usloviyakh Kraynego Severa

Skoroglyadov A.V., Gospodenko Y.V., Korobushkin G.V., Grishin V.M.


A treatment standard has been developed for patients with diaphyseal fractures of the hip and shin, the basis for which is the current principles and methods of osteosynthesis, which have been proposed by the AO/ASIF. The economic aspect of efficiency of its use under the condition of the Far North was studied by treating 162 patients as an example. The application of a standardized approach to treating this category of victims, by employing the current procedures of intramedullary osteosynthesis early after injury could reduce the number of temporary disability leave days, thus preventing an economic loss from the underproduction of gross domestic product. The total economic effect of the introduction of the treatment standards for victims with diaphyseal fractures of the hip and shin over the period 2005 to 2008 was almost 30 million rubles.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Ozonoterapiya zatyanuvshikhsya pnevmoniy

Belyanin I.I., Shmelev E.I.


After 3 weeks of treatment, 36 patients who were found to have X-ray signs of pneumonia (pulmonary infiltrative changes, fever, productive cough, weakness) were randomized into two equal groups (a study group and a control one). Antibacterial therapy was changed and continued by 77.7 and 55% of control and study group patients, respectively. The study group patients were additionally given intravenous infusions of 400 ml of ozonized sodium chloride solution (pO3) containing 1.6 мg/ ml of O3 twice weakly for 21 days. Blood ozonization considerably accelerated the resolution time of X-ray infiltrative changes so that they were undetectable in all the study group patients by week 4 while they were only in 61.1% of the control groups. Blood ozonization used in combination with antibiotics permitted achievement of a sputum negative reaction against Chlamydia and Mycoplasma 2-3 weeks earlier. Infusions of pO3 just after the first ozonization made it possible to eliminate a clinical sign of chronic infection, such as weakness, to accelerate productive cough relief by 10 days, and to halve the number of fever patients at week 2, as compared with the controls. Ozone therapy for protracted pneumonias substantially enhances the efficiency of antibiotic treatment.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):6-11
pages 6-11 views

Klinicheskie osobennosti diffuznoy V-krupnokletochnoy limfomy u bol'nykh, infitsirovannykh virusami gepatita S i V

Storozhakov G.I., Khaylenko V.A., Sherstnev V.M.


Fifty-nine patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who were infected with hepatitis B and C viruses were examined at the N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center for a long period from 1998 to 2008. A control group comprised 59 patients with the same disease without infection. The certain features of the clinical course of lymphoma during which the infection occurred are shown. It has been demonstrated that the spleen is more frequently involved in hepatitis C infection; the international prognostic index loses its value. It is concluded that in lymphoma patients infected with hepatitis C virus and primary involvement of the spleen, two-survival is better than that in the similar patients without splenic involvement.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Rezul'taty kompleksnogo lecheniya oslozhnennykh form khronicheskoy venoznoy nedostatochnosti nizhnikh konechnostey

Sergeev N.A., Shestakov M.S.


Treatment for chronic venous insufficiency was performed in 174 patients with trophic disturbances (n = 92) and trophic ulcers (n = 82) of the lower extremities before the introduction of ultrasound diagnostic techniques (retrospective groups). This was made in 29 patients with trophic ulcers (a prospective group) in accordance with the data of duplex scanning and involved ulcer preparation by laser radiation, as well as correction of venous blood flow. In the immediate postoperative period, wound complications in the patients from the retrospective groups developed in 16.3 and 36.6% of cases, respectively. In those from the prospective group, these occurred in 6.95. Among the 82 patients from a retrospective group, recurring ulcers were diagnosed after 1-32 years in 19.5% of cases. In the late postoperative period, trophic ulcers were detected in 2.2% of patients with trophic ulcers of soft tissues. Following 1-10 years, there were no recurring ulcers in the patients from the prospective group.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Nutritivnaya podderzhka v perioperatsionnom periode u bol'nykh s destruktivnym kholetsistitom

Dorofeev O.V., Kitiashvili I.Z.


The basis for this study was the results of a study of tube nutritional support in patients with acute destructive calculous cholecystitis (ADCC). The patients' immunological and protein-energy status was evaluated intraoperatively and 24 and 72 hours after surgery. Nutritional support using a polymer balanced lactose-free dry formula was given in a study group (n = 46). A control group included 49 patients. The feeding formula was injected with a Janet's syringe within 24 hours after surgery at 3-hour intervals. The first portion of the calculated volume of the formula was injected intraoperatively. Perioperative nutritional support in patients with ADCC improved their clinical status, increased their visceral protein pool and nitrogen balance, and rehabilitated the operated patients in the earlier periods.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Rol' oksida azota v patogeneze povyshennogo perinatal'nogo riska u novorozhdennykh detey

Gafarova F.M.


The role of blood nitric oxide (NO) was studied in the newborn infants at increased perinatal risk (PR). Increased NO production should be considered as a compensatory-adjustment response aimed at preserving hemodynamic microcirculatory processes in the neonatal organs and systems. The interrelationship and correlation of disorders between the level of NO and the activity of NOS, NADPH nitroreductase, O2-, ONOO-, and superoxide dismutase form a common mechanism of the severity and progression of lesions in vital organs and systems and the related features of clinical symptomatology in full-term and preterm neonates at PR.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Diagnostika i prognozirovanie dliny tela cheloveka na osnove issledovaniya dermatoglificheskikh priznakov pal'tsev ruk i ladoney

Bozhchenko A.P., Moiseenko S.A., Ivanenko S.A., Tolmachev I.A.


The paper gives the results of an experimental study of the dermatoglyphics of fingers and palms in the representatives of the Europeoid race (males and females) with different heights. On the basis of the revealed patterns of variability in the papillary relief, the authors have developed the diagnostic and prognostic models to define height, which are based on the Bayesian approach and multiple regression analysis. A height group can be correctly defined in 75-95% of cases; the height estimation accuracy is ±4-5 cm. In terms of their high efficiency and technical simplicity, the developed models can find application in forensic medical practice to identify a personality and in sports medicine to detect early a child's natural abilities to this kind of sports.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):26-28
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Sravnitel'naya otsenka sovremennoy ingalyatsionnoy apparatury

Kobylyanskiy V.I.


The paper provides a comparative analysis of the state-of-art inhalation apparatuses from the basic parameters along with a direct noninvasive assessment of inhalant deposition processes that reflect their efficiency, estimation of the informative value of these parameters in different groups of subjects, including medical workers, students, and patients.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):28-31
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Osobennosti ishemicheskoy bolezni serdtsa u zhenshchin

Gurevich M.A., Arkhipova L.V.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views

Gripp u lyudey, ptits i zhivotnykh

Luchshev V.I., Zharov S.N., Sanin B.I.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy rannego vyyavleniya tuberkuleza u detey s pomoshch'yu tuberkulinovykh prob

Borodulina E.A., Borodulin B.E., Aksenova V.A., Titova S.S.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Karotidnaya endarterektomiya

Shcherbyuk A.N., Fedorova T.S., Damulin I.V., Yavorskaya S.A.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Komp'yuternye tekhnologii v diagnostike nasledstvennykh bolezney

Petrin A.N., Selivanova E.A., Zakharova O.M., Ugarov I.V.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):49-54
pages 49-54 views

Boris Alekseevich Korolev (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)

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Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):55-55
pages 55-55 views

Evgeniy Ivanovich Sokolov (k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)

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Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2010;16(1):56-56
pages 56-56 views

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