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Relevance. There are numerous publications of foreign authors about relationship between Pyloric Helicobacter (H. p.) infection with several gastroduodenal diseases, including metabolic disorders. Russia is one of the countries with high prevalence of H. p. infection and metabolic disorders. Determining their relationship is important for both prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders. Purpose - study the possibility of relationship between H. p. infection and type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, overweight and obesity. Methods and materials. The study included 1487 working residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, 931 men and 556 women, aged 21 to 77 years (median - 46). H. p. infection was diagnosed by detecting antibodies to IgG bacteria in the blood serum. In 698 infected individuals, the presence of a CagA strain, a marker of virulence of the bacterium, was studied using ELISA. Serum levels of basal glucose, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides were studied, and the body mass index was determined. Results. Infection was discovered in 1348 people (90.6%), CagA positive - 392 (56.2%). Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed in 77 people, 74 - H. p. positive (5.5% ), and 3 - H. p. negative (2.1%). CagA was studied for 31 persons with diabetes. CagA-positive bacterial strain was determined in 22 cases out of 31 (70.1%, p <0,05 by criterion χ²). Dyslipidemia was detected in 175 persons (11.8%), 165 persons H. p. positive (12.2%), 10 - H. p. negative (7.2%) (p>0,05, by criterion χ²). Among H. p. positive, overweight was registered in 884 cases (65.6%), in H. p. negative - in 74 cases (53.2%) (p<0,05 by criterion χ²). Conclusion. In the presence of H. p. infection, the prevalence of metabolic abnormalities increases, which indicates a possible connection between them.

About the authors

Serafima V. German

Center of Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks

doctor of medical sciences, Leading research scientist, Laboratory of ecological physiology, biological climatology and Arctic medicine, Center of Strategic Planning and Management of Medical and Biological Health Risks, 129110, Moscow, Russian Federation 119992, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. V Modestova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. E Zykova

Center of medico-biological and ecological problems of RAEN

117638, Moscow, Russian Federation

I. G Nikitin

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation


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