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The article presents scientific approaches to the solution of actual problems of chemotherapy for children and adolescents tuberculosis with multiple pockets and extensively drug-resistant TB (MDR/XDR) pathogen to anti-TB drugs has the source of infection and the patient himself. The urgency of the problem determines: increase in the adult population of the M. tuberculosis with the specified allocation stability, the need for the drug susceptibility test of the source of infection to choose a starting chemotherapy regimen is determined by the negative M. tuberculosis status in the diagnostic material of the majority of children and adolescents. Patient-specific approach to chemotherapy is necessary subject to age limitations when choosing antituberculous drugs. Particular attention is paid to chemotherapy after surgical treatment. The results of scientific research carried out in accordance with WHO guidelines; indicate the possibility to shorten the duration of chemotherapy and to reduce the number of drugs in the treatment regimen without decreasing treatment efficacy.

About the authors

Elena S. Ovsyankina

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of children’s and adolescent Department “Central Research Institute for Tuberculosis”, 107564, Moscow, Russian Federation 107564, Moscow, Russian Federation

M. F Gubkina

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

107564, Moscow, Russian Federation

L. V Panova

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

107564, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. E Ergeshov

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

107564, Moscow, Russian Federation

N. V Yukhimenko

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

107564, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu. Yu Khokhlova

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

107564, Moscow, Russian Federation


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