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Although angiogenesis is an integral part of tumor progression, it has also been observed in different inflammatory, fibrotic, and ischemic diseases. Angiogenesis is a multifactorial process and its changes bring essential information about the status of complex pathology. Aim: evaluate the role of angiogenesis and endothelial dysfunction factors in Wilson-Konovalov disease (WKD) in children and adolescents. Methods: 19 children and adolescents with WKD were included in the study. VEGF-A, angiotensin (ANG), soluble receptors of VEGF-A (sVEGF-R1 и sVEGF-R2) and trombomodulin have been investigated in serum by enzyme immunoassay using special kits (BCM Diagnostics, USA). Other endothelial dysfunction markers as von Willebrand factor (vWf) was determined in blood plasma by immunoturbidimetry (Siemens, Germany), plasminogen (PLG) was investigated due to extended coagulation. Results: it was founded marked decreasing of VEGF-A and increasing concentration of sVEGF-R1, sVEGF-R2 in blood plasma of WKD children and adolescence by comparison of reference group. ANG did not change. Comparing the ratio of levels VEGF-A+ANG/sVEGF-R1+sVEGF-R2 (in children with WKD 16,7±1,9 and in reference group 23,0±1,6, р<0,05), we have revealed the deficiency of pro-angiogenic factors that can be helpful in characterizing of angiogenic activity. At the same time, the level of TM and the percentage of PLG and vWf increased. Conclusion: it was revealed correlation between studied markers and liver damage, concomitant diseases and the presence of chronic infection, as well as a number of other parameters.

About the authors

Anna S. Batyrova

National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health

doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics Centralized clinical diagnostic laboratory with express diagnostics group of the Laboratory Department of the Institute of Pediatrics of National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health, 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. M Vasilyeva

National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health

119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

M. I Bakanov

National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health

119991, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. N Surkov

Centralized clinical diagnostic laboratory with express diagnostics group of the Laboratory Department of the Institute of Pediatrics of National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health

119991, Moscow, Russian Federation


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