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The article presents the results of evaluation of risk of development of undesirable reactions in case of application of cardiovascular medications out of listing of vitally needed and most important pharmaceuticals and Standard of medical care under stable angina pectoris from 01.01.2014 to 01.06.2017 out of 21 639 registered in the Federal database information sources. The data analysis was implemented using techniques of evaluation of degree of reliability of cause-and-effect relationship and also evaluation of ratio benefit and risk. The evaluation of manifestations of side-effects was applied and rating of greatest number of arriving messages in Federal okrugs was established. The higher level of arrival of messages concerning cases of serious undesirable reactions with high degree of reliability of cause-and-effect relationship is marked. The wide-spread application of cardiovascular medications and availability of risk of development of undesirable reactions requires continuity of monitoring of their safety.

About the authors

Yuliya R. Bolsunovskaya

«The Scientific Center of Expertise of Means of Medical Application» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

the expert of category I if the Department № 2 of Efficiency and Safety of Medications «The Scientific Center of Expertise of Means of Medical Application», 127051, Moscow, Russian Federation 127051, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yu. V Olefir

«The Scientific Center of Expertise of Means of Medical Application» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

127051, Moscow, Russian Federation

B. K Romanov

«The Scientific Center of Expertise of Means of Medical Application» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

127051, Moscow, Russian Federation


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