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The lamellar keratoplasty is the first operation of choice under selective pathology of cornea. In view of satisfactory results of endothelium surgery similar operations are implemented at more earlier stages that increases need in donor tissue. The life-span of population increases hence number of patients in need of cornea transplantation also increases and number of intact cadaver corneas decreases because of stable increasing of number of surgical interventions at the frontal section of eye. The purpose of study is to analyze operations of partial transplantation of Descemet's membrane with endothelium (½ DMEK and ¼ DMEK). Material and methods. The analysis was applied to the results of 10 operations ½ DMEK (semi-DMEK, hemi-DMEK) and 10 operations ¼ DMEK, implemented at eyes of 20 patients with primary endothelium dystrophy. The average age of patients made up to 64,9±10,4 years. The average visual acuity prior to implementation of partial DMEK amounted to 0,14 ± 0,08, average central thickness of cornea, according data of optical coherent tomography, made up to 669 ± 91 мкм. Results. In 16 out of 20 cases of partial DMEK, restoration of transparency of cornea, resorption of edema and increasing of visual acuity was achieved. In other 4 cases, during one week after partial DMEK, a subtotal DMEK was implemented. In 16 cases, average visual acuity increased up to 0,8 ± 0,3 three months later after operation. Conclusion. The techniques of partial transplantation of Descemet's membrane with endothelium (¼ DMEK и ½ DMEK) are efficient for treatment of primary endothelium pathology of cornea and permit to apply donor's material as much as possible rationally.

About the authors

Oganes G. Oganesyan

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

doctor of medical sciences, senior researcher of the Department of traumatology and reconstructive surgery of the Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases, 105062, Moscow 105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

P. V Makarov

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

A. A Grdikanyan

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. R Getadaryan

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

S. V Milash

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eyes diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation


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