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The indices of T-cell immunity are decreased in children of early age with megalothymus: content of T-cells (CD3+), Т-helpers (СD4+ Т-cells), cytotoxic Т-lymphocytes (СD8+ Т-cells), regulatory Т-cells (CD4+CD25hi) and also activated Т-lymphocytes (CD4+CD25lo и CD3+HLA-DR+). The increasing of expression of alterations was observed as degree of megalothymus was progressing. The only exclusion were regulatory T-cells. Their level was decreased under megalothymus degree I and II and was closer to indices of age standard under megalothymus degree III. Also, it was demonstrated that capacity of T-cells to differentiation to cytokine-producing cells type Th1 and Th2 increases as far as increases expression of megalothymus. However, this process remains within framework inherent to comparison group. The T-lymphopenia under megalothymus is conjugated with decreasing of emigration of T-cells from thymus to peripheral section of immune system. These alterations bring on deficiency of T-cell chain of immune system and can favor manifestation of its incapacity especially in conditions of increased load under effect of pathogens.

About the authors

P. D Vaganov

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

M. F Nikonova

The state research center «The institute of immunology» of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

115478, Moscow, Russian Fedration

E. Yu Yanovskaya

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

E. T Mandzhieva

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia

117997, Moscow, Russian Federation

Almira D. Donetskova

The N.I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university Minzdrav of Russia; The state research center «The institute of immunology» of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia

doctor of medical sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of differentiation of lymphocytes. the state research center «The institute of immunology» of the Federal medical biological agency of Russia, 115478, Moscow, Russian Fedration 117997, Moscow, Russian Federation; 115478, Moscow, Russian Fedration


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