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The calcined aortic stenosis is one the most frequently occurring cardio-vascular diseases with unfavorable prognosis of course. The modern concepts about risk factors of development, pathogenesis and course of disease starting with inflammation and endothelial dysfunction and terminating with bone metaplasia permit determining prospective directions of deceleration of progression of calcined aortic stenosis. The high risk of unfavorable cardio-vascular occurrences associated with calcinosis of valvular apparatus of heart, availability of concomitant diseases making difficulties for correction of valvular impairments makes searching for causes of development and progression of ectopic calcification of aortic valve especially actual. The development of strategy of modification of risk factors and prevention of progression of early valvular impairments and blood circulation insufficiency are actual to the same extent. The review considers main clinical factors associated with development of calcined aortic stenosis, significance of genetic polymorphism in development of this heart disease and also main pathogenic mechanisms of its progressing.

About the authors

O. V Andropova

The polyclinic №1 of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

канд. мед. наук, врач-кардиолог кардиологического отделения ФГБУ «Поликлиника № 1» УД Президента РФ, Москва 119149, Moscow, Russian Federation

L. A Alekseeva

The polyclinic №1 of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

119149, Moscow, Russian Federation

L. O Minushkina

The training research medical center of the executive office of the President of the Russian Federation

121359, Moscow, Russian Federation


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