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The complex program of health promotion for university students with disorders of adaptation processes was developed. The program includes application of dynamic, isometric and breathing exercises at working table during micro-pauses for amelioration of cerebral blood circulation. Increasing of resistance of organism to shortage of oxygen and normalization of vegetative functions. The application of massage of biologically active points applied during scheduled breaks is addressed to optimizing functional conditions of students. The implementation of complex of common developing exercises, application of health promoting running and rainy shower in the end of training exercise is oriented on increasing physical readiness and stimulating students' own adaptive possibilities.The approbation of originally developed program demonstrated its good efficiency in adjustment of deadaptation disorders occurring in the process of education. The results of study demonstrated that in boys and girls after three-months health promoting training neuro-psychic tension decreased, resistance to stress impact increased and anxiety lessened. Simultaneously, increasing of number of students with high level of adaptation to actual social conditions was observed. The amelioration of vegetative resistance of organisms of students was noted. The testing of physical readiness demonstrated that in students, after correcting exercises, muscular strength of wrists increased, velocity force capacities and indices of force endurance in control exercise "jump-rope" ameliorated and suppleness and static resistance of organism. The application of proposed means of health promotion promoted mobilization of workability of nervous cells and nervous system that is substantiated by the results of tapping-test.The application of health promotion program resulted in increasing of academic progress in studies of boys and girls up to 0.4-0.7 points. The obtained data was used to recommend for implementing in educational institutions the developed program of health promoting student youth and minimizing deadaptation disorders occurring in student social environment.

About the authors

A. A Artemenkov

The Cherepovetskiy state university of the Minobrnauki of Russia

Email: basis@live.ru
канд. биол. наук, доцент кафедры теории и методики физической культуры и спорта «Череповецкий государственный университет», 162600, Череповец 162600, Cherepovets, Russian Federation


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