The evaluation of effectiveness of plasmapheresis in treatment of patients with cancer of ovary

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The sampling of 325 patients with primarily diagnosed cancer of ovary of III-IV stages was examined. The patients underwent treatment in gynecologic department from 2010 to 2013. Before anti-tumor treatment, analysis of indicators of integral indices of intoxication (leukocytal index of intoxication, index of reactivity of organism and reactive response of neutrophils) calculated according hemogram data, were carried out in all patients. The results of analysis demonstrated that only in 39 (12%) out of 325 patients no laboratory indications were detected. In 102 (31.4%) out of 325 patients the course of oncologic process was followed by endogenous intoxication of light degree of severity and in 184 (56.6%) - by endogenous intoxication of medium degree of severity. At that, in 245 (75.4%) patients endogenous intoxication developed against the background of depression of common reactivity of organism under inadequacy of compensation and instability of homeostasis. On the basis of obtained results in-depth examination of 65 patients with prevalent cancer of ovary was carried out. The patients were divided in two groups. The control group received accompanying pharmaceutical treatment. The main group received therapy combined with curative plasmapheresis. The analysis included content of medium mass molecules in blood, total effective concentration and binding ability of albumin, coefficient of intoxication, level of C-reactive protein, serum content of anti-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin (Π)-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, IL-1RA, IL-10). The application of curative plasmapheresis before neo-adjuvant polychemotherapy in conditions of development of tumor intoxication against the background of decreasing of common reactivity of organism and instability of homeostasis favors optimization of condition of common reactivity of organism and supports compensation of endogenous intoxication and stability of homeostasis.

About the authors

N. D Ushakova

The Rostov research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia


G. A Nerodo

The Rostov research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

I. A Goroshinskaya

The Rostov research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

E. Yu Zlatnik

The Rostov research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

E. G Mkrtchiyan

The Rostov research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia

A. P Menshenina

The Rostov research oncological institute of Minzdrav of Russia


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