The impact of regional methods of post-surgery analgesia on the dynamics of intra-abdominal pressure after cesarean section

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The study was carried out to compare dynamics of intra-abdominal pressure and compliance of front abdominal wall after cesarean section depending on method of post-surgery analgesia. The opened prospective randomized study was organized using the sample of 40 female patients divided in two groups. In the first group the post-surgery analgesia was applied using method of prolonged epidural analgesia. In the second group the method of bilateral blockade of nerves of neuro-fascial space of abdomen was applied. The level of post-surgery pain, the degree of sedation, dynamics of intra-abdominal pressure and compliance of front abdominal wall were examined. It was demonstrated that after cesarean section the epidural analgesia and blockade of nerves of neuro-fascial space of abdomen effectively decrease the level of post-surgery pain, increase compliance of front abdominal wall and decrease the level of intra-abdominal preassure. In the groups the examined indicators had no reliable differences.

About the authors

Dmitriy Vasilevich Marshalov

The V.I. Razumovskiy Saratov state medical university

Кафедра акушерства и гинекологии 412017, Saratov, Russia

Igory Arkadevich Salov

The V.I. Razumovskiy Saratov state medical university

Кафедра акушерства и гинекологии 412017, Saratov, Russia

Aleksey Petrovich Petrenko

The V.I. Razumovskiy Saratov state medical university

Кафедра акушерства и гинекологии 412017, Saratov, Russia

Efim Munevich Shifman

The peoples' friendship university of Russia

кафедра анестезиологии и реаниматологии 117198, Moscow, Russia


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