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The article analyzes the results of treatment of 142 patients with diseases of obliteration of arteries of lower extremities having amputation at the level of thigh or higher third of shank because of growing humid gangrene during time period of December 2010-April 2012. The main group consisted of 75 patients. The low-energy argon-plasma flow in different modes was applied during interventions. The apparatus «PlasmaJet» was used as a source of plasma energy. In all observations of implementations of main surgical techniques (cutting across of muscle bodies and fasces, coagulation of minute vessels, d-bridement of ganglions) the argon-plasma flow in coagulation mode was used. Prior to formation of stump, the operational wound was additionally d-bridemented with argon-plasma flow in coagulation mode. The exposition of stimulating argon-plasma impact was not higher than 5-10 seconds per 2 square centimeters. The comparison with the control group of 67 patients with diseases of obliteration of arteries of lower extremities (classical amputations) demonstrated a reliable decrease of volume of intraoperational blood loss and rate of wound complications up to1.5 times. The faster reduction of fever and post-operation pain syndrome and improvement of number of clinical indicators, including duration ща patients stay in hospital were established too.

About the authors

A. M Shulutko

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. факультетской хирургии № 2 лечебного факультета Москва

E. G Osmanov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

A. S Katchikin

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

I. V Novikova

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

N. V Antropova

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university

K. A Shanavazov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university


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