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The sociological survey was applied to the sampling of 500 medical students (298 students of senior courses and 202 students of junior courses). The respondents diagnosed the postnatal depression in the described situation in 66.3% of cases. The indicators were higher in students who studied psychiatry - 83.2% of right answers against 52.9% of students who didn't study psychiatry. The recommendations of senior courses students became more qualified and grounded, including effectiveness and choice of therapy. However, after completion of studying complete course of psychiatry the number of supporters of psychotherapeutic approach to treatment of postnatal depression increased. This circumstance demands to put forward amendments into the process of students’ education of psychiatry.

About the authors

A. V Golenkov

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash state university

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. психиатрии и медицинской психологии

A. V Filonenko

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash state university

Кафедра психиатрии и медицинской психологии


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