Industrial alliances in the policy of industrial autonomy of the European Union



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The activities of the EU industrial alliances created in 2017-2023, as well as “important projects of common European interest” (IPCEIs) interacting with them are analyzed. The motives for their creation and the first results of their activities in the context of the socio-economic space of the European Union formed by Brussels within the framework of strategic (including industrial) autonomy are examined. Particular attention is paid to the role of Germany and France in the launch and evolution of the EU’s industrial policy. These countries consistently advocated increasing state support of “European champion companies” and their consolidation in the world’s leading economic niches. It is shown that the European Commission considers these alliances to be an important factor in maintaining and increasing the international competitiveness of the EU economic complex and its industrial ecosystems.

Sobre autores

Vladislav Belov

Institute of Europe RAS

Moscow, Russia


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